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Shool after summer break.

It's my senior year in school. Just one more year in this hell hole, and then I'll be free. Free of expectations. And Free from this boring life. I have worked really hard to get out of this hell hole.

Today is like any normal day in my life.


I have got supportive parents but still sometimes they expect too much from me. Like they assume things a alot. According to them I will be an engineer. They don't force it on me. But they have a way of making me feel guilty.

And then they are extremely protective of me.

It pretty much sums my life up. I my the very definition of boring. I have lived too long at this place and now it is sucking the life out of me.

I have no idea how I am going to survive this year.

Little did I know that this was going to be the most adventurous year of my life.


I'm on my way to my first class. While all other kids are filled with excitement. Here I am sulking my way up.

During my small walk to my class, I notice the modern architect of the school. CHILDREN'S ACADEMY. Cliche I know right. CA was build in the mid nineties. So construction work is always going around here. But it doesn't stop people from enrolling their kids in this prestigious school.

CA have six buildings. Two buildings are for elementary school kids and four buildings are for high school kids.

Kids from rich families come here. And when I say rich, I mean really freaking rich. They all come from ancient money. Me on the other hand, I don't come from ancient money and all. But my dad has his fair share of money. Which he has earned by working his butt off.

My dad is a lawyer, or better yet was. Now he owns two grocery marts. He had practiced law till his late thirties, but soon after he stopped. No idea why.

My mom, she is a home maker. She is the sweetest person I know. She makes my father a little less broody. She is literally the pilar of our family. If it wasn't for her I'm pretty sure, me and dad would have long stopped talking. It's not that I don't love him, I do love more than anything but he sometimes I feel like he doesn't listen to me. My opinions or thoughts doesn't matter to him. He had provided me everything that I possibly need all my life but money is not the only thing important. I want my father to actually listen to me and treat me like my decision matter.

But he is different around mom. He listens to her. She is the calmness to his chaotic and busy life. My mom and dad are match made in heaven, if there is any heaven.

And then there is me.

I'm invisible in school. Pretty much nobody notices me. Except for my best friend Tate. Tate and I have been friends since 1st grade. I remember I was seating all by myself during lunch break in the garden, even then I didn't like to go to the cafeteria. I was peacefully eating my sandwich when this little tornado named Tate came and announced that I'm her best friend and she is mine. I remember being shocked and a bit scared also because Tate has always been a bit too loud. But soon she after she grew on me. Now I can't even imagine my life without her. We have done so many things together. She also made my lonely life less lonely. I have no idea how I would have survived this hell hole without her. She is not only my best friend but also my sole sister.

She was a little late today so she told me to go ahead without her. She will join me after lunch break.

Let's pray till lunch break nothing happens.

During 2nd period Tate joins me. And I'm very thankful she came back early because I was dying of boredom. I told her as much and now she is bugging me about it.

"What are you gonna do without me?" Tate says in a dramatic voice. She is always a drama queen.

"I don't know" And honestly I don't know.

"I'm telling you. You will not fine another best friend like me"

"Who would want another one,when I have you" I give her a bro hug.

Lost in bickering with her. I didn't realize where I was walking and then suddenly my face meets something hard like a wall. On looking up, my eyes meet a dark Sea. The kind from which people warn you from.

Royce Roy

The most handsome, hottest, tallest and richest Guy in CA. Royce Roy is royalty in this school. Or better yet in this town. Or better yet in this country. That's Right. Royce's family owns half the country which includes parents of all the kids who study in this school. He just has to snap his fingers and all the kids will bow down in front of him.

He is a 6'4 feet boy or better yet a man. There is nothing boy-ish about him now. His tanned skin reminds me of California beach. He has a lean yet muscular body. His bulky biceps clearly telling that he spends a lot of his time in gym. He has jet black hair. Some strands of his hair are falling on his forehead and I have to physically stop myself to not reach out. His shirt is folded across his forearms and shows off his veins. Lots of veins.

Then he side stepped and walked off.

Yeah walked off.

Just like that.

Like I said I'm pretty much invisible in this school. Generally I don't have any problem with it but damn it if it doesn't hurt when Royce ignores me.

"I know he has a spectacular ass but it doesn't mean you'll openly ogle him" Tate's voice startles me.

"I wasn't looking at his ass"

"Oh please! Like I haven't seen you eye fuck him every time he is around us." she teases.

Well she's not wrong but it doesn't mean she has to know it.

"I told you Tate I'm asexual. Sex is not for me." It's somewhat true. I don't find sex intruding. For me it's something you do to just make babies and extend your family.

I don't even if I want to have kids. I mean, sure they are cute and all, but they can be annoying as hell. And they are not just simple kind of annoying, they are ''you want to rip your ears out so that you don't have to hear the nonsense questions they are throwing your way'' kind annoying. Kids ask a million questions, I swear.

''That's because you haven't explored anything dumbo. And now don't say you've been kissed because those kids you kissed were Peanuts. And my friend you need a freaking banana."

"Uggghh! Tate please." I put both my hands on my ears.

"What? I'm just saying and like I said earlier, you eye fuck Royce every damn chance you get." She says in a innocent voice.

She's not wrong. I do eye fuck Royce every chance I get. But he is the only male I have ever felt anything for, but it doesn't matter because I'm invisible for him.

"And in case you haven't noticed Tate he ignores me every time."

"Sweetie you can't ignore someone who doesn't exist to you." she says nonchalantly.

"Ouch! That hurts, Okay." I put a protective hand over my chest.

"You know, I'm joking. Now let's go before break is over." She pulls me to her.

"You make us late every time Tate. you need to talk less, Okay." I tease her.

"Well between the two of us, someone has to do the talking. Now shut up and just walk. I'm hungry."she puts an arm around my shoulders.

"You're a pig, you know that right?" I tease her.

"Hey! I'm a growing lady. I need all the energy I can get. Beside this school takes a fortune from our parents. We should at least give the money some justice."

"Let's just go." I sigh.

"Yep. Let's go and eye fuck the hottest fuck in this fucking school." She whistles.

I shake my head with a smile on my face.

Guess it's gonna be a exciting year.

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