The Club

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"Come one y/n we are going to be late!"

"Okay, okay give me a minute let me get my pants on." You say yelling through the door at Nami.

'God sometimes Nami can be so dam demanding.' you quietly mumble to yourself.

"Alright I'm done, how do I look?" You say with a smirk on your face thinking you did good.

"Your outfit looks like absolute shit y/n. Do you even look in the mirror when you got dressed?" She says with an annoyed tone in her voice.

"Fine. I'll go change if it's really that bad." You say while already walking back to your room.

"No don't. I don't wanna be late anymore than we already are." She says while dragging you into her car.

                                                                        At The Club:

"Alright were here!" Nami says after turning down the music.

Y/n and Nami both walk into the club close to each other just incase anything happens she wants y/n to be near her. "YOO LOOK AT THESE HOT BABES WE GOT!!!" Some random drunk yells when you two walk in.

"Hey Y/n I want you to stay near me at all times got it. If not we are leaving immediately no questions asked!" Nami quickly tells you.

You understand that she's doing this to protect you since it's your first time ever at a club and that she doesn't want any creepy old men taking you and trying to rape you. But still you wished she would let you have just a little bit of freedom on your 21st birthday.

"Do you understand Y/n?" Nami says.

"Yes ma'am." You say while letting out a groan.

When walking over to the bar with Nami you see a funny looking man out of the corner of your eye. You then realized that the man who had caught your attention was wearing a straw hat and what looked like to be a red button  down tank top. (sorry I couldn't think of any other way to describe his shirt.) You then realized that he had seen you staring at him and he looked over at you. 'He looks like he has one of those super annoying faces and that he would be so dam loud and annoying if you tried to walk over and talk to him.' You think to yourself.

"Hey Y/n. Earth to Y/n. Hello?" Nami says while trying to see what you were staring at.

"Oh sorry I must of zoned out accidently. Sorry about that." You said while shaking you head to focus  on what she was trying to tell you.

"Alright now back to what I was saying, what do you want to drink?" She asks you while telling the bartender to give you a moment.

"Uhh. I'll just take some lemonade." you blurt out while still thinking of the straw hat.

"Are you sure? Your 21 now why don't you get a beer or something like that." Nami suggested to you.

"Yeah I totally forgot about that. Um just get me a Asahi Super Dry please." You quickly tell the bartender.

"And for you ma'am." The bartender asks your sister.

"I'll just get what she gets." Nami nicely says with a smile.

"Alright I get those beers for you two lovely ladies."

"That bartender is kinda cute don't you think Y/n?" Nami states.

He's really not my type in men he's probably just being nice to get Nami's number. Most men either try to act nice or they act like total assholes when around her because they all want her number and want to sleep with her. Everyone knew that she was attractive not to mention how big her watermelons are. Every man wants a women with big boobs and a big ass.

"I think that I'm gonna ask for his number Y/n now please don't embarrass me."

"Alright do whatever you want to Nami just don't go crying over to me when he fucks you and then leaves." You mumble out.

"Here are you two's drinks I hope you enjoy them." he says with a big smile.

"Thank you so much sir, and I know this is weird but do you mind me asking if you have a girlfriend?" Nami asks while sipping her beer.

"Oh don't worry about it and no I don't have a girlfriend?" The man says while letting out a nervous laugh.

"That sucks that a man like you doesn't have a girlfriend." She says while flirting.

"That's very kind of you. I know that this is sudden but do you mind if I could get your number?" The bartend blurts out and instantly regretting what he said.

"I was just about to ask the same thing. Here is my number and if you don't mind what your name?" She asks while sliding him the piece of paper.

"The names Sanji, and yours?" Sanji politely asks.

"Nami, and this is my little sister Y/n." She says with a huge grin on her face.

"Nice to meet you Nami well I will call you after I finish my sift at the bar sounds good?"

"Sounds good!" She smiles.

You didn't think that her asking for his number would turn out so well and for once in a while you feel happy for your big sister finally finding someone who might actually like her for her and not just for the fact that she has big boobs.

A/N: Wow 881 words on that in just one night now that's persistence. Just kidding its called having no life lol. Anyways if you guys enjoyed this chapter please tell me so I know to make this story a bit long, because I was originally thinking of only doing 3 or 4 chapters so please tell me if you guys enjoyed this. Alright that's it for the Authors Note, Next chapter should be out in about a few days or a week if I try.

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