How to buy a Panda

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Puking your guts out when you're on your first date with your boyfriend is not the best impression you can lay on them. It didn't help my case that I couldn't even locate the nearest washroom, so I had to resort to emptying my stomach in the stinking dustbin. I dressed up rich, rented the zoo so we could have a good time, even purposely exposed my chest to look hotter, but it all turned out to be for naught. Cause here I stand, bent over a trash can, successfully managing to smell like vomit. All because the smallest of imagination was enough to trigger my gag reflex.

"I suppose you won't have your ice anymore." The damn ice-cream again. One single 5 inches cone that ruined my whole day.

"Throw that thing away." I croak out as I try to control my gag reflex and fill my mind with better thoughts such as Taehyung's beautiful hands.

"Oh well you're hoarding the Bin. You have to move away first. Move away." The thought of letting Taehyung look at the vomit stained trash can was enough to make me snatch away the cone from his hand and throw it in the Bin myself. I then momentarily take Taehyung's hands in my own and lead him far away from the can, in search of a washroom.

"Did, what I tell you, make you puke? Oh yes, I think it did. They don't use it for food anymore. They don't. We didn't eat his poop, we didn't. So don't worry. Although technically it's not poop, it's just.." I could feel the bile rising again so I hold up my hand to stop him from going any further.

"I get it. Can we move on now?"

"We can."

Here's the thing about Taehyung. He's a freaking geneus and apparently a walking encyclopaedia. I have no idea how that tiny brain of his has so much information stored in it, but it just does. Never knew that beautiful head of his could also cause so much chaos.

We were strolling through the grounds of the zoo and looking at the many beautiful animals, when I made the mistake of reading aloud the "quick facts" board near an Ostrich.

"Size 1.8 to 2.75m. Weighs upto 155kg, wow that's a lot. Scientific name Struthio camelus. I remember reading these names in Biology. It's so pointless. I mean who even uses them? Imagine that an Ostrich falls ill and the caretaker goes like, hey doc my Struthio Camelus has an upset stomach, what should I do? For all I can say, that names sounds like a deadly cancer disease itself." It had been a harmless joke but it occurred to have triggered Taehyung's IQ of 200. Or is it 500?

"Do you know what guisante means?" Taehyung had asked me.

"Is this another scientific name?" I was already spouting stupid stuffs but then I also had the audacity to chuckle as if I had said the wittiest of thing.

"A scientific name always has two parts, two, genus and species, so no it's not a botanical name." My lips had curved into a stuttering smile, as I nodded my head in understanding. "Okay", I had muttered out.

"Do you know what matar means?" Stalling wasn't an option anymore so I immediately accepted my defeat and yielded to his intelligence.

"No, I do not." I had said.

"These are two different names of pea in two different languages. Two. Of the same thing. There are more than seven thousand languages in this world. Seven, seven thousand. Possibly 7000 different names of Pea. You think scientists have the time to use Google translate when they collectively discuss about pea? Oh no they don't. They don't. That's unprofessional. Very unprofessional. But its botanical name Pisum Sativum stays the same in every language. Each and every language. That's why it is important Jungkook. It is. It is very important." Hearing him speak so passionately about the things he knew. Hearing him proving me wrong, was fascinating. It wasn't everyday when people made me feel stupid. It's funny that I was enjoying getting detracted but this experience was something new for me. I was used to getting adulated at every point in my life. My parents did so to make up for the fact that they were never there for me, my friends did it to keep getting benefits from me, and my employees do that to always stay in my good books and in the notion that it will score them a promotion. I was tried of getting treated like a trophy they all wanted to win. So yes being treated like a kid who was probably failing all his class, was indeed fascinating for me.

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