Chapter 9

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Naib sat there in shock, not knowing how to respond and his face flushed into a bright red as Norton leaned closer to him.

He's drunk, he's just spouting out bullshit

Naib thought, trying to convince himself that what Norton was saying wasn't true.

"Wait what?"

Naib replied as he leaned back away from Norton which resulted in him leaning closer.

"I wanna to make out with you ~"

Norton said in a suggestive and sluggish tone while a smirk began to form on his lips as he leaned even closer to Naib to the point where there forheads were almost touching. Naib quickly smacked his hand onto Norton's face and pushed it back onto his bed.

"Norton get a hold of yourself jeez!"

Naib exclaimed as his face flushed into an even darker crimson color.

"Whaddo you meeaan? I'm pErfectllly finE"

Norton asked as he propped himself onto his elbows. Naib let out a sigh and averted his eyes away from Norton.

"Norton, you're drunk. I know you'd never feel that way about me and you're not in the right head space right now, and if I tell you this tomorrow after your hangover, you'll just deny it and we'll be back to the same old arguing and poking fun at each other. I don't even know why I'm bothering to tell you this, it's not like you'll remember anyway"

Naib mumbled as he looked back at the prospector who was way in over his head.

"But you don't know that"

Norton pouted quietly as he laid back down and turned his head away.

"What was that?"

Naib asked as he raised a brow in confusion.

"How do you know I'm lying?? At least give me a chance"

Norton groaned as he sat back up and pouted once more at Naib.

"... Just go to sleep Norton"

Naib sighed as he gently pushed Norton back down and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. As he closed the door to the bathroom, Naib immediately slumped down onto the floor, with his back against the door while covering his massive blush.

WTF??? THERE'S NO WAY. He's just drunk. He's vulnerable right now and will forget everything that happened. And I'll just pretend that nothing happened too..

Thoughts raced through Naib's head as he tried to control his steaming hot face. The tired, flustered mercenary then let out a sigh, before standing up to get ready to wash and go to sleep.

This is an actual nightmare. Norton and I hate each other.... Right?

Naib got lost in thought as the warm shower water hit his skin. Was this just a dream that felt weirdly real? Was the brunette delusional? Was he hearing things? Or was this reality?


After the nice refreshing shower the mercenary took, he instantly flipped onto his bed after changing and groaned.

This night is finally over. Thank Miss Nightingale

He thought while shuffling around in his sheets to get comfortable. Before closing his eyes and officially calling it a night, Naib turned over to see Norton, sitting up, staring directly at him like a creep.


"You need something?"

Naib asked with annoyance in his tone. Norton stayed silent and continued to stare.

MisMatch | NortNaib | Identity V | DISCONTINUED!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora