Chapter 3

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*Bird chirps

Naib had finally woken up from his deep sleep. He looked up at the grandfather clock and it read 1:43 pm

"Holy shit, I really didn't get any sleep last night."

Naib thought to himself as he looked around the room. To his surprise, Norton was also still in bed asleep. He rolled his eyes and layed back down.

Should I go get some breakfast? More like lunch actually. Will there be anyone in the dining hall? Will anyone question me about coming down so late?


Naib's stomach was practically begging for food.

"Sigh.. Ok it won't be that bad."

Naib dragged himself out of bed and quickly pulled his olive green hood on and headed down stairs to see if there was any leftover food. Unfortunately, there wasn't. He sneakily went into the back kitchen to check if there were any small snacks he could quickly grab. He saw a piece of bread and took it quickly in fear of being caught lurking around in the kitchen. He quickly headed back to his room to eat his singular piece of bread. As he was eating, he picked up his journal that was under his pillow and began to write.

"Is all you ever do is write?"

Naib, a bit spooked, turned his head and looked over at Norton who had woken up and looked a bit pissed off.

"What else is there to do here besides participating in the matches"

Naib scoffed.

"Oh I don't know, maybe talking to the others? Spending time with and getting to know them?"

Norton replied.

"Not interested"

Naib said, rolling his eyes.

Norton groaned and turned around while laying back down.

Jeez, what's with this guy? Talking to others would probably do better for his attitude.

Norton thought to himself as he dozed back off to sleep.

Damn can't this guy mind his own business?

Naib thought while still writing.

A few hours passed and the room was filled with silence. Naib then heard a quiet knock on the door. Naib didn't feel like standing up or walking.

"Who is it?"

Naib asked from his bed.

"It's me, Emily"

Emily said, slightly opening the door and peeking inside.

"Do you need something?"

Naib asked.

"No, I was just a little worried about Norton. Normally, he would've woken up early and participate in matches for the rest of the day."

Emily said with a concerned look on her face.

"Well he seems to be knocked out right now"

Naib said, pointing his quill towards Norton.

"He woke up a few hours ago but went back to sleep minutes later."

" *sigh* please keep watch and take care of him for me would you Naib? I'm quite busy nursing everyone else in the manor already. It'd be nice to have 1 person lifted off my shoulders."

Emily asked with a grin on her face.

Naib gave it some thought.

But would I want to babysit this douche and deal with his snarky remarks and comments? Uhgghh.

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