Chapter 2

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"There. Done." Confirmed the doctor as she pinned the bandage on Maya's hand. She hadn't broken any bones, a miracle, but it would take a while to heal. I thanked her for her service and strode out of the room with Maya.

"Does it hurt?" I asked, looking at her.

"Not really. I'm used it, you know. Being an athlete, you always got hurt." She replied, as a matter of fact.

"Anyways, we just met. Why do you care so much?"

It took me a moment to answer. "Well, I don't know. Its just that, you seem pretty cool and I would love to have you as a friend. Especially here. Its a foreign country with a lot of unknown people. So girls gotta stick together right?"

Maya chuckled. "You are a lot different than I thought you would be."

"What do you mean?"

"I thought you were a bitch in the beginning, you know. You have to admit, you do look intimidating."

It was my turn to chuckle. "Well, it comes in handy during fights and stuff."

"Please. You'll just outsmart your opponents. The way you figured out the prize thingy was amazing."

"It was easy. I don't know how the others didn't figure that out."

"Not everyone's as intelligent as your are."

"I know." I remarked, flipping my hair over my shoulder in a dramatic way. She chuckled and hit my shoulder lightly with her unhurt arm. Our bracelets chimed together. The message was clear. We marched towards the elevator.

We all stood in a line before Captain Jacob Smith. I recognised both the guys. One was from Mexico, Hunter Diaz, and the other, Thomas Hudson, from Australia. I was an agent. It was my job to know stuff. I noticed Hunter eyeing Maya and I, in an unapproving manner. Also, Thomas eyed Hunter and I, in slight disgust, as if he was,disgusted by the presence of brown and black persons.

"I hope you all are aware of the risks you will be undertaking?" He said, addressing us. He stood tall and intimidating in his 6 feet 2 inches, his chestnut brown hair ruffled and curled slightly in places and his green eyes, though fully green with no flecks of gold or brown, held no emotion in them. It was eerie the way his eyes were emotionless. I couldn't read him.

"Yes sir." We chimed in together.

"Good. Before we move further, has anybody got any questions?" No one raised any questions. "Okay then. The instructions are crystal clear. I will not repeat them. There is a different department completely for our purpose. We will work there, train there and stay there. You will be staying there all year round till we have achieved our goal. You are allowed paid leave only thrice a year, for maximum a month. But you will not be completely free of duty. You have to come and aid during emergencies. Details of payment, location and luggage will be sent to you shortly. You will report here on the 22nd, at dot 9 'o' clock. If there no further questions, you are dismissed."

We all turned to leave but the same voice called out. "Except Miss Dutta." I sighed and turned around to face him. "Please, have a seat." He was already seated in a high-backed chair.

I sat down across from him in a leather chair. The mahogany desk in the middle seperated us. I looked at him directly, waiting for him to start the conversation. It soon turned into a staring competition. His green eyes held mine without any emotion. His face was the same as well. Cold and indifferent. But I knew it was an armour. Simple psychology.

"Do you want to start the conversation or should I?" I asked coolly, breaking the eye contact.

The corner of his mouth twitched into a half smile. "I am curious. During the selection test, how did you figure out so quickly where the prizes were placed?"

I chuckled lightly. "It wasn't really difficult. Simple psychology. The Executive Director, Charlotte Miller, her face is open. Her eyes had flicked slightly to the portrait of Margaret Thatcher, which was my first clue. The second clue was the clue in the map. The first clue and the last clue on the map had the same answer but were framed differently. It was the 'Room of Portraits' and 'Hall of Paintings'. So it had to be the hall. As far as I had researched on the building, there are no other paintings in the entire building except the hall. So, there you go."

His face had now started to show some emotion. Admiration and perhaps, even a hint of surprise. "But how did you know that you had to tilt the portrait to the right?"

I chuckled nervously. "I actually did not. I just tilted it randomly."

He arched an eyebrow. "Well, you turned out to be lucky. But I wouldn't suggest depending on luck in the future."

"Certainly not. I like to know my facts."

He nodded his head thoughtfully. "And the glass box containing the trophies? You knew there was a clue?"

"I didn't. I had just assumed because there is a clue for every single thing."

He nodded. "There was, but your friend didn't seem to notice that."

"Yeah, she didn't."

"Well," he stood up and I along with him. Up close, he looked even taller  and that was coming from me, who has been rejected by boys because I was taller than most of them. He extended his arm. I shook it firmly.

"I'm glad to have you on my team. See you again on the 22nd. Until then, farewell."

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Next chapter coming soon.........

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