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~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
It's been quite some time now me and Shoji's have been friends. If I had to say he's the stronger boy in our school I saw he take down a group of bullies with his arms and because of that he was been given yellow card one more violence committed by him he have to transfer school. How did it happened? Well let's bring you back to 2 hours ago.

Shoji was know for his huge build as many boys was jealous of that so they decided to pick a fight him but he just shrug them off but then one of them punched Shoji's the reason was he can't stand someone look a bit more manlier than he is but the truth is he was dumped by his girlfriend because she prefer someone who are a lot taller and bulkier than he is and so I reported to the teacher.

But that didn't end just there no he brought his friends and try to teach Shoji a lesson as I see one of them were holding cameras as they wanted to post it online. They said the tittle of the video would be "the strong boy in school got beaten up by weaker boys".

But the video caught the opposite of what they want and that is Shoji kicking their ass suddenly I hear loud shouting of my sports teacher who shout "HEY!!!" My sports teacher was a bit of badass kind of teacher as he didn't hesitate to whacked them all with a wooden stick and so they were being hauled towards somewhere.

~~~Shoji's POV~~~
We were being hauled up by our sports teacher Mr. John to the principal's office. While on the way there I see (L/n) was there and I see the bullies see her and they were looking at her with rage on their eyes and thanks to my Quirk I heard they said "She needs to pay" I immediately knew they set their eyes on her.

~~~Shoji's POV~~~
Once we were allowed to go home I see that (L/n) was waiting for me "(L/n) what are you still doing here?" "Waiting for you duh" She may seem like a shy girl at first but when you've become friends with her she was a bit more towards spunk kind of girl rather than shy.

I ask her curiously "Did you call Mr. John?" She shake her head in no "No, I didn't. I was just looking for you but then I hear loud voices and decided to check it out and well... found you with those bullies" "But then how did Mr. John knows about?"

Suddenly her phone ring as she went to check it out while she speak "I know why" I see she showed me the live video of how I beat those bullies "It was live" I see she nod "Yeah, at least it wasn't you getting a hard lesson" No it wasn't me but what they said bothered me I see she didn't seem to notice that she's their next target She's my hero she have helped me so many times. It's my turned to helped her.

Once the door open we look at the bullies who seems to notice us and I see (L/n) growled towards the bullies "What are you looking at?!" That seems to only making them feel more anger and hatred towards her and since she's my friend I had to make sure that she didn't get herself hurt "Come on (L/n) let's go" I see she still try to act tough "(L/n)" "Coming!"

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I see they look at Shoji with anger and hate while he just ignore them while I decided to act tough in front of them "What are you looking at?!" Shoji are a tough guy that means I must be tough as well but then I hear Shoji speak "Come on (L/n) let's go" I didn't reply "(L/n)" I shout excitedly "Coming!"

⏭Time skip⏭
I said that yesterday that I should be tough but right now I was struck with reality of being Quirkless hooman. I feel so powerless because I could only rely on Shoji's strength to protect me from the bullies. They think I'm the one who ranted to the teachers. You know the live video that got millions of views and that they were trying to pin it on me.

Like the heck! I didn't even record it! It was one of your men who did it but since they can't hear to reasons and it was pointless of me said those things to them. Let's just say they were furious as that the video got millions viewers and likes and the people leave comments bad things about the bullies so the bullies decided to gang up on me but luckily Shoji got in time as they begin to fight again.

But of course Shoji wins and this time it wasn't teachers who found us no it was the police who found us and we got sent to the police station as one of officers handle our case he's name is Tsukauqi or something. But f they call our parents and my mom was not happy being called by police telling her that I got in trouble.

When we got home together I was immediately grounded inside my house also no more walking or hanging out with Shoji because she said that he's a troublemaker boy and I tried to reason with her but she wouldn't listen and well I got transferred to another school.

I was so furious because I finally make a friend but she said that I shouldn't be friend with someone who involve me with any troubles. I keep on trying to find a way to try to explain the whole fighting situations that I'm in to my mom and apologize to her because I was reckless at trying to act tough and maybe make a deal or something with her to let me stay in the same school as Shoji but she wouldn't listen to any bullshit that come out of my mouth as she called it. So I had no choice but to oblige my mom's wished.

See you next chapter reader.

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