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I missed this. It's good to be back.


Sasha has an arm looped casually around your neck. You've taken four shots of alcohol and you're only slightly tipsy. You can think clearly and sit upright, but the faint buzz surrounding your head makes it difficult for you to register your immediate surroundings. Your rationale comes delayed a second after your vision.

You're sitting on Sasha's bed, surrounded by your friends as you're gathered in your bedroom. Though this time, Krista's with you and Eren isn't.

"Let me get this straight," Connie says. "So Eren passed out after Ymir knocked him out?"

Krista winces. "She didn't mean to hit him that hard. I hope he's okay."

"He's fine," Armin reassures her. "I visited him before dinner. It was just a minor concussion."

"Serves him right," Jean says cheerily. "He shouldn't have tried to make a pass at Krista. And guess what? That means he lost!" He laughs loudly. "Krista," Jean turns to her. "Just out of curiosity. . . Would you have kissed him if Ymir wasn't there?"

Krista's cheeks heat visibly. "No. Eren is my friend. Nothing more."

Connie and Jean roar with laughter at this, cackling so hard that tears leak from the corner of their eyes.

When they've calmed down, Jean calls for you to pass the bottle of whiskey and it almost slips through your fingertips. Luckily, Armin has quick reflexes. He catches it with one hand and gives it to Jean.

"Thank you," you grin.

"You should really be more careful." He frowns. "Here. Drink this." He hands you a metal flask. You wrap your fingers around it, savoring the feeling of the coldness seeping into your fingertips.

As you unscrew the top you flash him a grin. "What is it?"

"Water. Sober up before Levi and Hange come."

You scowl and take one small sip to appease him. You wanted Levi to see you drunk. Maybe then he'll realize just what he's doing to you.

As you feel the refreshing water settle into your stomach, you look up to see Levi and Hange enter the common room. Hange sits with Mikasa on her mattress and immediately strikes up a conversation with her. They take out their notepad and pen and begin scribbling away, most likely setting up their notes for the night.

Levi takes his seat on the floor with his back against the wall and his elbow slung casually over his knee. He looks as if he doesn't have a care in the world. But when he's running his eyes over your body, you know that he's assessing your current drunken state.  
He can see the way your pupils are dilated, dark and wide. The way your hair is mussed up and your movements are slow. His eyes flit up to meet yours, then move to the flask in your hand. He looks away, uninterested.

You don't know why, but his dismissal makes you feel embarrassed. Like you'd just been silently chastised for drinking, even though you're an adult. You straighten up and clear your throat so as not to look like a complete idiot.

You feel stupid enough as it is. The only reason why you're drunk right now is because you knew that Levi wouldn't make a move on you if you weren't sober. He would never bed a woman who wasn't able to consent properly. You'd gotten yourself drunk on purpose because you trusted him more than you trusted yourself.

You almost want to laugh at how pathetic it sounds. Your reasoning makes no sense. Maybe you just wanted to get drunk for the fun of it. You can't even remember what your initial intent for drinking was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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