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When you wake up the next morning, you're immediately grossed out by the moistness you feel in your underwear. You promptly grab a new pair and a towel and head to the bathroom.

You remove your clothes and prep for a morning shower. As you rinse your face, you tell yourself that you need to stop fantasizing about Captain Levi. It would bring you nothing but trouble. Under the clarity of early morning, you're met again with the unspeakable realization that you are sexually attracted to Levi Ackerman.

Another wave of chagrin washes over you when you remember the way your face had heated up when he'd inspected your gear, and that he'd noticed your flustered expression.

You want to die out of embarrassment.

You determinedly tug on your clothes for the day. You need to get a hold of your desires and focus on more pressing issues. You're a soldier, a graduate from the 104th regiment and member of the Survey Corps. And Captain Levi is your boss.

You lace up your boots before joining your friends for breakfast.

The dining hall is characteristically quiet given that it's early in the morning and that everyone is worried about the weather; the only sounds that are emitted are those of silverware and hushed small talk.

You stop by Armin's table to greet him.

He smiles sleepily when he sees you. "Morning," he yawns.

"It's nice to see you too." You slide in next to him and notice the large, leather-bound book splayed out in front of him. "What's this?"

"This is a meteorology logbook dating from the year 750. I've been studying how the climate has changed since then and how weather trends repeat themselves."

"What'd you find?" You lean your head into Armin's and try to follow along with where he was looking.

He points to a line graph that spans two pages. The labeled intervals along the axes are small and hard to read. You squint and try to make out the compressed numerals but Armin points you to the red line cutting across the middle of the chart. It looks freshly drawn in.

"This tracks average yearly snowfall. This red line represents the storm we're currently in."

"It's so much steeper than the other lines," you observe out loud.

"Yeah. It's bad. Our measured snowfall is currently 1100 percent greater than that of all of our past storms, and it hasn't even stopped yet."

"All of those things you mentioned a few days ago. . . economic failure, increased crime, decrease of health. . . they'll only continue to get worse?" You know the answer already but you refuse to accept the reality of the situation.

Armin nods.

Beside you, Mikasa dutifully dodges Jean's attempts at flirting.

"Your hair looks very healthy," Jean says. "It's very pretty."

"Thank you." Mikasa doesn't even look up. She's slicing an apple with a switch blade into thin and controlled slices.

"You're pretty."

"I know."

"Do you want to hang out tonight?"




"Would you be opposed to the idea of being my girlfriend?"

"N-" Mikasa realizes her mistake too late and attempts to correct herself.

"Great!" Jean blows her a kiss and turns back around.

Cabin Fever | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now