Operation graduate

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Melody’s P.O.V


So it’s been four days since the whole Valentine thing. I know a lot of shit went down on that day and I’m partly to blame for it. But I didn’t ask Max to kiss me. It was just s’posed to be a friend thing. You know, two friends going out and having fun on Valentine’s Day? But I guess Max got the wrong idea. I know Richie has been telling me that Max has feelings for me, but I just didn’t wanna believe it. However, too much has gone on for me not to see it now. But as much as I wanna kick Max out of my life I just can’t. What the hell is wrong with me?!

Anyway, enough about Max for now, I have bigger fish to fry. My finals! How am I ever gonna pass if thunder balls won’t let me back in school to do the stupid test? I is gonna graduate from that stupid ass school and make something of myself, and I ain’t gonna let her mean, no man having ass get in my way. If I don’t get to do them damn finals, ain’t nobody gonna do it.


“You’re gonna do what? Are you crazy? If you get caught they’re not only gonna suspend you, they’re gonna expel your cute ass.”

I know what he’s saying is true, but I need them final to be postponed. I’m gonna graduate even if it kills me!

“You worry too much for a guy, you know that? Look, I’ll be careful, it’s not like I haven’t done anything like this before.”

I chuckled to myself. I remember the time when the cheer squad had thought it was a good idea, to embarrass me in front of the entire school. Those fake bitches drenched me in red paint after PE, then hid my clothes. So, I had to walk around in red paint covered grey shorts and vest. And don’t even get me started on how long it took me to get paint out of my hair. Just for that bitches had to pay. Ain’t nobody ever told them skank never mess with a sista’s hair. That type of shit deserves punishment. But don’t worry, those bitches got dealt with.

It was the day of the cheer tournament and a few of the girls who weren’t on the squad, volunteered to go with them to help out. I was one of those girls. Now before you uptight bitches decide to judge me, just sit back, zip it and listen.  Ok, like I was saying, I went with the squad to “Help out.” I was put in charge of uniform checks, making sure that everything was in order for when the girls came to change. The rest of the girls were buzzing to be there. I on the other could give a shit about some stupid tournament, where the girls dance around in little to no clothes. And if you ask me, the guys were only there to get free feels of the girls.

Anyway, whiles the rest of the volunteers were all excited and shit, I was plotting my revenge. Don’t get me wrong I did think about dropping my revenge plot a few times. Hell, I even came close to forgetting all about it and moving on. Then came Sally Hawkins, well that she-devil just had to show her horns that day. I swear to you, I was gonna let bygones be bygones, as they say. But that bitch spat gum in my hair. I mean really, didn’t y’all just hear me say never mess with a sista’s hair? From that moment, operation ruin these bitches was back on.

I went about my job like a good little helper, I made sure that the cheer uniforms were all cleaned and waiting in the dressing room for them. I even help a few of the other girls with their task. Like Jenny Macon, she was cleaning the showers because the cheer princesses wanted it to be spotless. So I offered to help poor jenny out.

I help her clean the shower stalls and filled the body wash with blue dye. You know, I was just being a good little helper. After I was finished with that, I left the showers and went back into the dressing room. Ms Allison, the cheer coach told the girls it was time to washing up and get ready.

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