Chapter 16: Reunion part 2

Start from the beginning

"Well, it looks like an upper class area again. We both make good money, but not that much that we can afford moving here.."

Now Yi Jeong laughed. "Don't worry. I love the little nest we built for us. I don't want to ever leave.." he looked out of the window and then at Woo Bin. "Do you think Rang had a bank account? What if he was crazy rich like Yeon? Technically, it would be my money, right?"

"What.. you want to stop working?"

"Are you crazy? I love my job. I was thinking about you. If we had enough money you could start self publishing and write at your own pace. I know how the deadlines stress you sometimes... or always."

"Hmm.. that's not the worst idea you ever had.." Woo Bin smiled. "But wait for after dinner until you ask to get his money. Or maybe to the next meeting?"

"You're right.. it's not the best start to meet the new family, right?"

They drove on a parking lot and stayed a few minutes longer in car until they exchanged a look and gave each other an encouraging smile.

Hand in hand, the couple entered the building and used the elevator to get to the right floor. Yi Jeong rang the bell and inside, a mix of dull voices, started yelling at each other until it was suddenly silent again and the door got opened by a familiar, reasonable face.

"Everyone in there is crazy, just play along." Ji Ah whispered and welcomed them in.

"This is for you." Woo Bin said and handed over his flowers with a shy smile and Ji Ah was visibly flattered by the unexpected gift. They entered the living room, where three people waited in a line up, all of them looking tense and full of expectation at the same time. Yeon was on the couch, trying to pretend he didn't know those people.

"Hello.." Yi Jeong greeted insecurely and it was Yu Ri, the young woman, who started rushing towards him first. "Yi Rang N.."

She couldn't finished because her husband tackled her our of the way and flung himself at Yi Jeong.

"Hyung Nim!!!" he yelled and started crying so loud, Woo Bin had to bite his tongue to not burst into laughter.

"Why are you such an embarrassment??" Yu Ri yelled and dragged her husband away from Yi Jeong, just to do what he did before. "Yi Rang Nim.." she sobbed and hugged Yi Jeong so tight, he could barely breathe.

"They had an arrangement to not overact." Yeon told Woo Bin, "It's not working.."

Woo Bin nodded and walked up to the only person who wasn't clinging to his boyfriend and offered a hand. "Hi. I'm Song Woo Bin. You're the dog, right?" he smiled, but Su Ho frowned at him since no one ever told him yet, that he was the reincarnation of Rang's puppy and reluctantly bowed, before he accepted the handshake.

"Kim Su Ho.. I got adopted by the family...I'm a human." he said and Woo Bin felt his face heat up. He was just a giant social failure and it wasn't even funny anymore.

"I'm sorry.. I'm a little nervous.." he said honestly, because he read somewhere, that it should loosen up the situation if you are nervous and just say it out loud.

"That's fine. This house is crazy since you two agreed to come. Who makes his favorite food, what are we allowed to say... They put so much pressure on themselves that now, they do everything they agreed not to do. Just sit somewhere, make yourself comfortable and wait it out."

"Uncle Woo Bin!!" he heard a voice from a lower level and looked down to Yong Gi, who jumped happily up and down.
"Hey little buddy!" He greeted and picked the boy up to give him a proper hug. He was by far his favorite person in the room.

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