Chapter 7: The Brother

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"Where's Yi Jeong?" the restaurant guy asked and Woo Bin was about to say something, but then he just fainted right into Yi Yeon's arms, who caught him with ease.
Remembering how he got hit just a moment ago, he wasn't even wondering and took the key that Woo Bin was still holding in his hand.
He knew where to find their apartment and decided to rescue the boyfriend first.

Yi Yeon carried Woo Bin to the couch and placed him there. Before he was able to decide whether to call Shin Ju or not, Woo Bin was already waking up again. His little brother got himself a tough cookie, Yi Yeon thought and smiled at the other man, who looked at him like he was a ghost.

„My name is Yi Yeon. I'm not here to hurt you..." Yi Yeon started and Woo Bin got up. He was obviously confused, but aware enough to know his priorities.

„I really think you should stay on the couch.."

Woo Bin turned around and pointed at Yi Yeon. „You. I give a fuck about you. My man just looked at me with a yellow cat's-eye and then he vanished. And I'm going to find him now and you..." he had to pause because he suddenly saw stars again and had to sit down.

„Fox." Yi Yeon said and got him a glass of water from the kitchen.

„What?" Woo Bin mumbled and took the water because the last thing he wanted was faint once more. He needed to get his strength back now.

„A fox's-eye. I need to find him fast. He shouldn't be alone now."

Woo Bin looked at the stranger and saw how worried he was. „Can you tell me what's going on?" he asked quietly, his eyes pleading.

„I will.. But I'd prefer to not tell you in a rush. And now I have to find my brother as fast as possible."

„Your..." Woo Bin looked up and laughed dryly.
„He's not your brother.. If you think he's the person on your photo, he's not."
Woo Bin thought it was not necessary to pretend he hadn't been in his apartment and went straight to the facts.

„He was. And now the part where he's related to me seems to wake up and I tried to protect him from this but... you must know best. You must have witnessed the change."

„He's not changing.. He's the same just confused because weird things are happening."

Woo Bin looked like he was about to cry and Yi Yeon nodded. „I'm not here to take him away from you. I want him to be happy and you, this life, is his happiness. I can help him to not be confused anymore and you two will be able to continue your happy life, I promise. I just need to help him now and I know it's a lot to ask, but I need you to trust me. Please stay here, take care of your injury and wait, just in case he comes back. And I will try to find him now. Okay?"

Yi Yeon talked like he tried to hypnotize him and eventually, it worked.

„Okay.." Woo Bin finally gave up and decided he would at least pretend to trust that maniac for now. „But let me come with you."

„You won't be able to hold my pace." Yi Yeon smiled and was suddenly gone, just as fast as Yi Jeong was before.

Woo Bin got up slowly and walked to the balcony. So, that Yi Rang guy was this freak's brother. And he thought his Yi Jeong was him, though it was not possible.

„The part of him is waking up? What's that supposed to mean.." Woo Bin mumbled and sighed. He looked around, but the stalker was gone. He wanted to punch himself all over again. Yi Jeong just ran because he thought he was scared of him. Okay, he had a yellow eye. That's something he could live with. He was just... surprised.

„Please come back to me.." he whispered and looked into the sky. It was getting dark already. If Yi Jeong wasn't back in an hour, he would go out and search on his own. He just needed a little break and a pain killer.
Woo Bin thought back to their morning, the call from the doctor, when everything seemed okay and they were just happy.
He had no idea what that Yi Yeon was talking about, thinking Yi Jeong was his brother but him, being aware that this was his happy life and he tried to protect it instead of causing any harm calmed him a little. Thinking about his nice wife and cute kid, it made more sense, right? He lost a brother who looks like Yi Jeong.. But what he said about waking up.. Yi Jeong said in the car, that the guy's eyes flashed yellow. Is that connected to the part that is related to him? Whatever that meant...

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