"We met once or twice.. But you always refuse.. Last time, you didn't want to be reborn at all, but here you are, asking to live forever. Isn't that funny?"

"I asked for nothing and I don't want to hear any of my past life, if that's what you're referring to."

"What are you so afraid of? That you find out what you assume anyway? Your path can only change for the better. But you'll never know, if you don't find out."

"Why are you so desperate to get that contract done with me? You could find someone else. I bet there are lot of beings who suffer from something."

"Because I need to be able to guarantee your desire to be fulfilled. I'm dying and I don't have the energy to keep looking. You are my ticket to a longer life and I am yours."

Woo Bin got up, shaking his head. "How do I know if I can trust you. I can't risk this, I'm sorry..."
"The time is running out, Song Woo Bin, the one who never wanted to be a fox again. When I'm dead, your chance is gone, too! Then the real gamble begins!"

Woo Bin only heard her voice slowly fading behind him, while he was running home.
His heart was beating so fast, he worried it was about to explode. Was that woman telling the truth? Had he been a fox in his previous life? Was she really able to let him be reborn as a Gumiho, if he just gave her the years he had left?

"This has to be a trap.. It just has to be.. It's not possible.." he mumbled and when he was back home, Yi Jeong immediately noticed his pale face.

"Woo Bin? Are you okay?" he asked and took the flowers, while Woo Bin tried to catch a breath.
"I thought I was late.. I hurried and then felt dizzy.." he lied and immediately felt bad.
But he didn't want to worry Yi Jeong with something that didn't matter anyway.

"It's only because you didn't eat well lately. I get you some water."

"I'm fine, really." he held Yi Jeong back and eyed him up. "You look stunning." he said with a little smile and Yi Jeong sighed. "Are you really okay?"

"I am.. A weird stranger held me up and then I thought I was running out of time. Don't worry about it. We should leave, I hate being late."

"Yeah, you're always way too early."

"It's because I enjoy watching you work. Is that so bad?" Woo Bin smiled and Yi Jeong returned the smile. "No.. I'm just always worried that you get bored."

"Watching you? Never."

Now Yi Jeong laughed, but he enjoyed the compliments. He often heard that he was handsome, but it mattered from no one as much as if Woo Bin said those things that made him feel special in any possible way.

"Come on.. Let's go meet our new family or whatever those people are. And if it's too much, you just say it and we will leave." He offered Woo Bin his hand with a soft smile on his lips. Woo Bin accepted the offer and took one more deep breath. The couple grabbed all the things they wanted to bring and finally left the apartment.

The dinner was happening at a place they haven't been, yet. It was an address to a different apartment and they assumed it was the place where Yu Ri lived with her family.
Woo Bin was driving and when they came closer, everything started to feel weirdly familiar to Yi Jeong.
Now that he had seen huge parts of his previous life with his own eyes, it was easier to puzzle emotions and pictures together, but still strange because it wasn't his memory. It was more like watching a movie he didn't know he starred in.

Yi Jeong felt Woo Bin's hand on his thigh, gently squeezing and he smiled at him.

"We can leave anytime, if you feel like it." he assured and Yi Jeong nodded. "Right. But I think I really want to meet them now. This area feels familiar.. in a good way."

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