Chapter 2

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Henry sat in his office with Jen, "I can't detect them." Henry said as he looked at his radar "and the beasts  are getting closer by the minute."
"Let me try and call them." Jen said as she pulled out her phone and called the airship. "Hello, where are they? Oh ok...bye.." she hang up then put her phone on Henry desk. "What did they say?"
"They were killed by the beast..." Henry was shocked to hear such news. "Which one?" He said as he rested his forehead on the palm of his hand.
"The bird, they said the plane was blasted by its beam of gold and the soldiers were squashed but its large feet." Jen let out a sigh of sadness "They said they will be returning now." She added.
Henry slammed his fist among his desk " This is impossible.. we haven't had another monster cross lightville sense 1977..." Henry said, his phone began to vibrate. "One moment." Henry said as he reached for his phone and answered his call, "yeah hello? Oh yes right away....ok thank you." He put his phone down and spoke to jen " I have to go, the airship is landing and they found something."
Jen nodded as Henry stood up and walked out of his office.

/lightville's airforce station/

When Henry walked through the doors of the air force station he saw the huge airship landed in its spot and 6 people from the airship standing at a clearly an very  Injured creature.
"What is it?" Henry said as he stood near the airship pilots.
"This." One of the pilots pointed at a creature that was covered in dark blue feathers and looked like a dog but mixed with a snake, Henry cringed at the creature.
"What's that?" Henry asked as he crouched down to get a closer look, "we don't know we just found it here." Another pilot said "zayle, get your scanner."
,Zayle pulled out his scanner and crouched down near Henry and scanned the creature. "BEEP BEEP BEEP! Zayles scanner beeped as it showed the creature "it says it's an species called the Hazards, they are dangerous creatures Especially to humans." Zayle said. "Hm... maybe we could build a tameing device and hatch some of these creatures so we can fight off tho use Titans." Henry said, "That's a good idea!" A pilot said as he took out his phone to call the builders crew. "While Harry does that, I want you all to take this creature to the Heath center to revive it, and one of you guys call the hunting service so we can catch of couple of these." Henry ordered as he stood up, the pilots nodded as they turned to run back to their base, one turning back to pick up the hazard and take it to the Heath center.

/lightville's building base/
One of the pilots banged on the doors of the base, "what's that?" A man with blond hair said as he looked back "oh it's a airship pilot, let me get that." He said as he walked over to the door, he scanned his keycard and opened the door for the pilot "what you in for?" The man said "Henry wants you and the crew to build a taming device, we are trying to tame a hazard so we can get help fighting off the Titans." He said
"Okay got it!" The builder wiped around and said "new mission build a taming device!"
The crew listened and got to work.

/lightville's health center/
"Hello, anyone here?" The pilot said as he placed the Injured  hazard on a table, a woman with blond hair walked Through a "staff only room" door "Hello what are you doing here, mark?" She said
"Henry said we wanted this creature to be revived so we can tame it and let it help us with the incoming Titans." Mark spoke
"Ok we will try." She said as she walked over to the creature as began to grab supplies.
Mark shortly left after a few minutes.

/lightville's Air Force base/
Zayle sat in his leathered chair calling the hunting service. "Hello! Yeah this is zayle, I got an order from Henry. Yeah he wants y'all to capture hazards and take em to the building base to tame them, yup they are building a taming device right now...alright bye." He hang up his phone  and stood up and walked over to one of the nearby radars and watched the two dots get closer to lightville "This is not good.." he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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