Chapter 1

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Airships flew across the air dropping off planes off. The he planes began to soar through the sky searching for the beast, "got something?" A woman said as she turned to the pilot that sat up front. The pilot shook his head "not a thing." He said not taking his eyes off the wheel. "Hey, look I found something on the radar!" A man with gingered hair said as he looked on the radar. The woman turned to look at the radar, "tap it Kevin." She said. Kevin nodded as he tapped on one of the moving red dots, he saw a big dark blue bird ferociously flying through the air.
"Is that the beast?" Kevin asked "Hmhm" the woman replied then said "tap the other one."
"Okay." He said as he tapped the moving dot, he caught a glimpse of a big orange python swimming through the ocean. Kevin looked shocked as he thought of a guess on what will happen, "their both heading for lightville!"
The crew looked at each other then nodded in agreement, one of the soldiers sitting in the back of the flight spoke up "he's right,if their both heading for lightville then they could possibly battle each other."
The woman agreed at the thought, slink launch the air missiles."
The pilot nodded as  he pushed a red button that was near the wheel.
Big missile guns formed at the side of the plane.
"That's it now show em!" The woman said in determination.
"You got it,shelly" slink said as he pushed a green button that turned red when he hit it.
Multiple missiles were launched from the guns and soared through the air, after a few minutes the crew heard a screech "sqreeeeeeeeck!!!!!"
"That must be it, launch more missiles slink!" Shelly said as slink pushed the red button again and missiles were launched once more.
"Sqrack!" The creature wailed in the distance.
"We got em down! Send us out to finish them!" A solder said from the back, "alright then." Slink said as he opened the planes door, the soldiers sat up and grabbed their guns as they ran to the back of the plane and jumped out.
Moments after the crew began to see the gigantic bird through the clouds, clearly angry.
"Missiles!" Slink said as he slapped the red button.
Missiles soared and exploded at the birds feathery body, "reaaackkk!" The bird screeched as it charged at the plane used its large grey talons to hold the planes face, pushing it downwards.
"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!" Slink screamed as he felt the plane slowly falling underneath the foot of this bizarre titan.

The soldiers below saw the plane begin to fall to the ground, one soldier pulled out his phone and tried to call but no one answered.

"Scccrreeeeeack!!!" The bird screeched in anger as it opened its big grey beak, its throat began to turn yellow as a big yellow blast was launched from his beak. The blast tore through the plane entirely and left the plane full of dead bodies and a giant black hole trough it.

The soldiers watched in surprise as one yelled "move out, move out!" The soldiers ran but they couldn't get far when then bird landed, a soldier looked over his shoulder and saw the big beast behind them "it's here! We have to fight!"  He stopped running and began to shoot his bullets at the titans massive wing, the others stopped and joined in. "Hey I found a weak spot a soldier said as he pointed at the Titans bitten wing.
The soldiers all were shooting at the titan when "sqreeeeck!!!!" The bird screeched as it opened its beak and blasted a big yellow blast at the soldiers, some soldiers began to run as flames formed behind them but they were no match the the birds speed the titan squash the soldiers that fell behind and only 2 remained. The bird opened its beak once more and launched the beam, killing everyone and everything.
"Racck.." the bird said as it jumped into the air and opened its wings,continuing its trip to lightville.

In the deep ocean the python swam swiftly, its eyes full of fury "ssskkck.." the python hissed as it poked its big scaley head from the water and looked ahead, it saw that the land was getting closer and closer "skkkckkss.." it hissed as it dived back into the water continuing to swim to lightville. 

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