Unplanned Vaction

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It was summer. Amelia and Barry were in New York with Damon and Elena. Lizzie and Josie were in Rome with Caroline and Alaric.

Natasha and Anastasia were sleeping. Everybody had left yesterday. Summer break and the twins didn't want to leave so they stayed with Haven and their mother.

It was 3 in the morning and Klaus couldn't sleep so he snuck into the the school and went to his daughters room. He knock on the door till a sleepy Natasha opened the door.

"Dad?" Nat questioned rubbing her eyes of the sleep.

Klaus smiled and said.

"Wake up Anastasia and get a bag ready doesn't matter how much clothes just get a bag ready." Klaus said then walk away

Natasha looked out the door wondering what the hell her father was up to.

Natasha went to go back a bag with 12 outfits and 10 pair of shoes. She packed her makeup, toiletries and everything else she might need. The scary part of this was that she was going to have to wake up Anastasia.


Klaus went up the stair to Madison's bedroom.

He knock on the door and waited till he heard someone fall of the bed, then he heard light footsteps.

The door open and revealed a sleepy Madison. Madison left the door opened and motion for Klaus to enter. She then laid back in bed.

Klaus smiled at her and sat at the edge of the bed. He turned to look at her side and there was a sleeping Haven. He smiled at the two girl he had grown to love.

"Yes? Why did you wake me up at 3?" A sleepy Madison Saud her voiced muffled by the pillow.

"Pack a bag. And pack one for little Haven too. Meet me down stairs in a 1 hour." Klaus said before he walked out

Madison stared up at the spot he was just and got up and packed a bag for her and for Haven.


The twins where downstairs were their father had told Natasha to wait. A sleepy Anastasia was sitting in a chair half asleep while Natasha was watching supernatural on her phone. She couldn't fall back asleep.

A sleepy Hope entered the school with a bag. She was in her pajamas, her father had texted her to back a bag with everything that she may need, and then to meet him at the school.

Natasha looked up when Hope entered and smiled then she giggled at hope's pajamas that consisted of a plain black shirt and unicorn sweats with cute little bear slippers.

Hope just flipped her off then looked at Natasha pajamas which consisted of a cat shirt and avengers pants and black cat slippers. Hope sat down next to Anastasia and they waited.

Madison came down the stairs with a sleeping Haven in her arms and a two bags. Madison then handed the sleeping Haven to Hope who had motion to give her to her.

Madison then sat down the bag and went to go find Klaus who was in the kitchen making sandwiches for the road.


Madison entered the kitchen and found Klaus making the sandwiches but she didn't say anything she just filled up Haven's cup with juice and her coffee cup.

When Klaus finished he just packed everything up and then headed to the front door.

Madison just watched confused and then followed.

"Okay get in the car. Don't ask questions. You can ask questions when the sun comes up. Go to the car. Oh and get comfortable." Klaus says grabbing his bag and Madison's bags

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