Dance party!!!

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Natasha, Anastasia, Lizzie, Josie, Amelia, and Haven where having a dance party outside of their home

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Natasha, Anastasia, Lizzie, Josie, Amelia, and Haven where having a dance party outside of their home.

It was spring break and they where having dinner with Klaus, Hope, Elijah, Hayley, Kol, Rebekah and Marcel. Freya and keelin had left to travel for a bit.

Madison wanted to have a dinner party. It's been a couple of weeks since the Mikaelsons had arrived and Madison wanted to be civil for the twins.

Natasha and Anastasia had gotten closer to Hope the past weeks even Josie and Haven where close with Hope except Lizzie who was still a little upset with Klaus and Hayley for cheating but she was being civil with Hope. Barry was okay with the Mikaelsons.
Madison was getting close with Davina. Klaus had been trying to get back on Madison's good side. Same thing with Hayley. Elijah was just enjoying the show same with Kol. Rebekah and Marcel where planning on taking the cure.


The doorbell rang.

Barry had left his mother in the kitchen, and left to open the door.

Barry smiled when he open the door he was wearing a apron. One thing about Barry was that he loved cooking.

The Mikaelson family just smiled and Barry moved to walk back to the kitchen motioning for them to follow. When only Davina and Hope entered Barry looked back and laughed.

"Sorry. I forgot that y'all are vampires. Come in." Barry said while laughing

The family entered and followed Barry to the family room where Caroline and Alaric where playing a video game.

"Uh y'all can wait here. Momma isn't done with dinner and she said she wants no one in the kitchen-" Barry starts explaining but get cuts of by Amelia who had walked in.

"L-l-lair y-you s-said y-you d-didn't w-want a-a-any one i-in there b-b-because you g-get distracted. Y-you d-don't a-allow a-any o-one I-in 'y-your k-k-kitchen' w-when y-you're c-cooking, n-not e-even yo-your t-twin si-si-sister." Amelia said with a teasing smile making everyone who knew Barry laugh because it was true and Mikaelsons just smiled.

"Th-that is not, uh, that's is not true." Barry said stuttering over his wording because his twin sister had just exposed him

"A-ah w-whose th-the o-one st-stuttering n-n-now." Amelia said with a chuckle. Barry started towards her making Amelia run back outside Barry hot on her trail the people in the family room let out a laugh taking a sit.


The Mikaelsons had joined the girls outside.

Davina, Hayley, Rebekah, and Caroline had joined Barry and Madison in the kitchen while the boys went outside.

When they got there they saw the girls having fun.
Music playing and everything.

Take a hint- by Victoria Justice and Liz Gillies started playing

The song making the girls start to dance around and sing along.

Hope, Klaus, Kol, Elijah, Marcel, and Alaric watched the girls dance and sing with smiles on their faces laughing when Natasha fell or when Lizzie jumped in Anastasias back or when Haven spun around.

Lizzie and Natasha going to grab Hope hands so she can dance with them.

"Oh! I don't dance-" Hope tried to protest but Natasha cut her off

"What? Everyone dances, look Hope I get that you have that broody vibe going on and all but you have to let loose every now and then. I mean Stef had that broody vibe going on too and momma got him to let go. So as your sister I am telling you, I am not asking. So get your little booty out of that chair and dance. If you don't get up now I will burn your hair off so what's it going to be? Hard way or the easy way?" Natasha threaten Hope making Hope quickly stand and drag Natasha and Lizzie back to dancing.

Klaus, Elijah, Kol, Marcel, and Alaric all burst out laughing at the threat.


Dinner came and went the Forbes/Saltzman/Salvatore family and the Mikaelson family enjoyed their night.

They would definitely do this again.

Short chapter I know but I am tired and yeah so goodnight
And enjoy this double update because it might never happen again. 😂
Thank you for reading!!

✔️||Reunited-Klaus Mikaelson Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora