"Yes, I did," I respond. "If it makes you happy."

"Good, we have a lot to talk about."

She will make me sit down with her and narrate everything. It will be more of a gossip session. I won't entertain having Tina around. It would turn out so bad especially when she ingests her commentaries. They are the worst but sometimes surprisingly the best. However, I'm not taking chances.

"No, we don't!"

"We'll see about that," she says.

Once we are upstairs, we trend through the hallway. My master bedroom is just past Zawadi's room by two doors. Quite far when it comes to her. If I was asked, I would prefer it when she was in my room. No doors to get past to get to her.

"Your mom has no problem with seeing you with a random woman in the house?" she asks.

The word random leaves her mouth hesitantly. She fears that she nothing more than a random. And I can see it in her eyes that if she is one it will crumble her. She'll be ruined. Though the good thing is that this isn't one sided. We're both in it. She is special. She is more to me than just a random woman. She is mine. Private property that I won't let anyone put their filthy hands on.

"First, you're not a random woman," she delights at my response. "Secondly, since I bought this house, no woman has been here if it's not a cousin, aunt or her," I motion my head to refer to mom. "You're the first one," she shies away.

I'll have to kiss the shyness out of her. Not that I don't like it. On the contrary, I love it. It makes her look adorably innocent even though we both know that deep down she far more than that.

"That's flattering," she comments.

"It's the truth," I defend. She shakes her head as we continue walking. Then I remember something. I halt and pull her to me making her body slam on my immobile one with an intense force. "Sorry, baby. But can I get a morning hug?"

"You've just made it happen," she pouts.

"A real one, please," I plead with puppy dog eyes. No one has been known to resist them. She gives in and embraces me warmly. I take a moment to enjoy it. Kissing her temple, my mom's voice interrupts.

"Breakfast in two minutes, Evans."

"I heard that," I growl back.

Zawadi's hands hold on me tight. The growl deliciously affected her. Damn it! It makes me overthink things I  shouldn't. At least not yet.

"She seems fun," she comments stepping away from our hug.

"More of annoying."

"In the best way," she shrugs.

"Don't you dare take her side," she balls her eyes looking away. "Go dress up. We still have an appointment at eleven."


"Once done, come join us downstairs," I tell her.

She nods and disappears into the room. I still at the door comprehending everything. I am in love with whatever is going on and I am not ready to let any of it go. I'm going to hold on to it cause it feels so good and fulfilling.

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