- zemo sibling character files -

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DISCLAIMER: THESE ARE THEIR AGES WHEN CA:CW HAPPENS (2016) + HELMUT ZEMO'S ACTUAL YEAR OF BIRTH IS 1978 BUT IM MAKING HIM YOUNGER COS I WANT TO (also I couldn't find his birthday anywhere). Finally according to Marvels Earth-616 database he is born in Leipzig, Germany so that's what I'm going with.

I also couldn't find the name of Zemo's wife anywhere so please forgive me
- Kai

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Full Name: Baroness Katrina L. Zemo
Current Alias: The Silent Destroyer
Sex: Female
DOB: March 17 1982
Age: 34
Place of birth: Leipzig, Germany
Height: 5'9"
Weight: Unknown (doesn't matter)
Eye colour: Dark Brown
Hair: Medium brown, length, just below shoulders
Race: Caucasian
Citizenship: German
Languages spoken: German (fluent), Sokovian (fluent), Russian (fluent), English (fluent with heavy German accent)
Identifiable markings: Very visible vertical scar from mid forehead over left eye to cheekbone
Family: Baron Helmut J. Zemo, Brother;
Baron Heinrich Zemo (father, deceased);
Hilda Zemo (mother, deceased)
Mrs Zemo (sister-in-law, deceased);
Carl Zemo, (nephew, deceased).
Capabilities/Skills: Trained assassin, exposed to super soldier serum, all-around genius.

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Full Name: Baron Helmut J. Zemo
Current Alias: Baron Zemo
Sex: Male
DOB: November 21 1986
Age: 30
Place of birth: Leipzig, Germany
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 183 lbs (83.01 kg)
Eye colour: Medium Brown
Hair: Light brown
Race: Caucasian
Citizenship: German
Languages spoken: German (fluent), Sokovian (fluent), Russian (only Bucky's trigger words), English (fluent with heavy German accent)
Identifiable markings: None
Family: Baroness Katrina L. Zemo
Baron Heinrich Zemo (father, deceased);
Hilda Zemo (mother, deceased);
Lucille Zemo (wife, deceased);
Carl Zemo, (son, deceased).
Capabilities/Skills: Advanced hand-to-hand combat, scientific genius.

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A/N: Thank you for choosing to read this :)

As I said earlier on I made up the date of births and ages. I also looked up what you call a female Baron and if they are a thing (don't come at me I didn't know) and apparently it's Baroness so that's what I put. Also the scar only exists later on not when Katrina is a kid.

Love you all so much 🤍
- Kai x

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