Daphne hummed as she was entranced by his words and touch, "I am not worried of the ton's judgement my dear, but I am worried of your brooding jealousy. What will you do if the male gaze runs wildly over me just as yours were a moment ago."

Simon groaned deep within his throat, as he began to kiss her jaw more fervently now. Daphne tilted her head to kiss him, her desire lingering on her lips. Daphne slid her hand up to pull his neck, bringing him closer to her, her unbuttoned cuff grazing his skin. Simon pulled back, and maneuvered her body to face his.
With Daphne's hand still on his neck, Simon covered it with his own, taking her hand in his, pressing his lips to her fingers.

Daphne whined, "I desperately need your lips on me, why must you pull away?"

Simon held her arm up, eyeing the unbuttoned cuff at her wrist, and spoke low as he said "Because, for one, I will not be able to stop myself if we continue further, and for two, I do not wish to interfere with the way you look right now. I can tell you feel good, and that makes me happy." He delicately placed one of her buttons in the thread, and continued, "I will also be looking forward to staring at you all night, wondering how in God's name I got so lucky along with all of the things I am going to do to you later." Then he leaned in with his lips, and buttoned her last button using his teeth.

Daphne's stomach filled with flutters, as an involuntary gasp escaped her mouth. She needed to change the conversation now, as her stocking were minutes away from being soaked.
"Ss-o, you like the dress? I had picked the colour in honour of your mother," she said, a small smile beginning to form on her lips.

"I recognized that, a sweet sentiment indeed, thank you my love," he said, kissing her hand once more before taking it with his own, then let it hang between them. "And no Daph, I love it. Although, I will not enjoy the impeachable stares of the men in attendance," he said, his eyes locked on hers intently.

"Ah, a jealous suitor tonight. Rest assured, my eyes will only be interested in you," she said, beaming up at him with a look that one only gives to their soulmate.

Simon's breath caught in his throat, as he was truly swooned by her. All it took was one look, and he was lost. He struggled to force himself to be present, because the sooner they left, the sooner they could return home to explore each other.

"We should say good night to the children, come along" he said, leading her towards the door. Daphne wrapped her arm around his as they headed towards the children's room just down the hall. As they approached, Daphne could hear giggling and laughter in abundance.

Simon pushed the door open, catching Gregory running back towards his bed, with Adam and Belinda laughing under their covers.

"Alright, alright, the fun is over. Time for bed little ones," Daphne said softly, with an undertone of seriousness. Simon let go of Daphne's hand to get Belinda, while Daphne took a seat on Adam's bed, pulling back his covers and attacking him with tickles. Adam busted out in laughter, trying to move away from her fingers.

"The monster is going to get you in 5...4...3.." Simon counted down as he crept towards her, causing her to shriek with laughter. Simon pushed back her covers, and scooped her in his arms as he said "Got you!" Belinda's curls twisted across his chest as she screamed "nooo!" through her fits of giggles. Simon walked over to Adam's bed, placing Belinda on the bed beside him, as he knelt on the floor in front of Daphne. The children were breathless from laughter, and both Daphne and Simon could not help but smile.

"Your father and I will be back in the morning, be good you two. I love you both very much," she said, trying to ignore the guilt she felt for leaving them here for the night so that they could have a night to themselves.

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