I.M:'' Just because she wrote some articles you killed her? Such inhuman!''

Park Sung ho:'' Shut your trap!''

He was going to slap I.M when..

Hyungwon:'' Stop right there! You piece of trash!''

I.M:'' Hyungwon......you really came?''

Hyungwon:'' How can you get yourself in this situation?''

I.M:'' Its not like I wanted to!''

Park Sung ho:'' So, you came!''

Hyungwon:'' Yes, thanks to your text it wasn't hard to get here!''

Park Sung ho:'' Well you invited your own death right?''

Sung ho was going to attack with his gun when Hyungwon blocked it twisted it, and there were few gun shots heard.

I.M:'' Careful!''

Hyungwon hitted his hand until he let go off the gun and punched his face other man came to attack him.

I.M:'' Ah!!! Someone release me!!''

I.M struggled but he couldn't get out of the rope. So he stood up with the chair and pushed the people attacking Hyungwon with the chair. And came face-to-face with him.

I.M:'' You okay?''

Hyungwon:'' I should be the one asking that! Watch out!''

He bent down and kicked the man.

Hyungwon:'' Close your eyes, this ain't gonna be a pretty site.''

I.M closed his eyes but could hear gunshots and people falling on the ground he slowly opened his eyes to see half of the room covered in blood. And his eyes landed on Hyungwon standing on the corner when Park Sung ho was holding the knife.

I.M:'' Oh no!''

Kihyun:'' STOP RIGHT THERE!!''

At the entrance Kihyun entering with the gun and pointing it towards Sung ho.

Park Sung ho:'' Why are pointing the gun towards me? He killed my men!!''

Kihyun:'' Right now you are holding the knife and he is unarmed! You are unde-''

Park Sung ho:'' Shut your nonsense! I am going to kill him, if I am eventually going to jail!''

He ran with the knife towards Hyungwon. Kihyun fired 2 bullets. One hit his hand and the other hit his knees. He fell on the ground. Kihyun walked inside the room and walked towards Hyungwon and looked outside.

Kihyun:'' Here!''

Hyungwon:'' W...what?''

Kihyun:'' Just do it, before someone comes!''

He offered the gun and Hyungwon took it.

Park Sung ho:'' Wait! You two....know each o-''

Before his sentence can be completed he shot him in the head. Kihyun snacthed the gun as soon as officers started to enter.

Senior:'' You killed him?''

Kihyun:'' My report was right sir, he kidnapped 2 innocent college students, and this guy over here whom I talked about, The journalist's brother. I was left with no choice, when even after my warning he refused to drop his weapon.''

Senior:'' Understood! Good job Officer Kihyun! Take these 3 away.''

Kihyun helped them and sat with them inside the car.

Kihyun:'' You guys okay?''

Jooheon:'' yes, Thank you very much officer!''

I.M:'' I am really grateful You really did what you said.''

Hyungwon:'' what do you mean what he said? Did you two meet before without me?''

I.M and Kihyun looked at each other.

I.M:'' haha! Of course not!''

Kihyun:'' No way! What you talking about!''

They both laughed it off, but Hyungwon knew they were lying so he just sighed.


Hyungwon and I.M were sitting on Hyungwon's home's rooftop.

I.M:'' The night view is so pretty!''

Hyungwon:'' Its breath taking!''

I.M:'' I thought when I got kidnapped you won't come.''

Hyungwon:'' How can I not? I didn't want to make any mistakes...Plus I cannot let the person die who likes me so much.''

I.M blushed. Hyungwon bend towards him...I.M didn't know what to do he was stiff at the situation, he felt Hyungwon's lips slowly landing on his...he closed his eyes and soon after Hyungwon removed his lips.

I.M:'' I was so afraid when you said you won't like me.''

HYungwon:'' I said that..because I didn't want you to get hurt because of me..''

I.M:'' So you cared?''

Hyungwon:'' I guess I did...''

There was a moment of silence...

Hyungwon:'' But how did you meet Kihyun?''

I.M:'' Remember the night I was drunk, actually Kihyun told me to stay by your side cause you were hurt and alone. He cared a lot about you, but you hated him..when he told me..things about you it made me sad, so I guess I drank.''

Hyungwon:'' Kihyun really did that? Guess I really pushed him away, I had to thank him for what he did...Him letting me kill Park Sung ho, was such a decision, I'll always be thankful to him for...''

I.M:'' Yo relly should be!''

Hyungwon:'' Say! You really won't leave my side right?''

I.M:'' If you promise you won't do any bad work, then...yes!''

Hyungwon:'' Okay...I promise!''

                                                                   -THE END-

Thanks to all the readers who loved reading the fanfic. I am not writing any Hyungkyun fanfic now, but in the near future I will hope to...So, please do love and check out my upcoming fanfics. Thank you and bye. This book is being closed!

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