Part 11.

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I.M:'' Going out?''

Hyungwon:'' Yea... I thought you know...Collage students like to eat outside, so...You must feel house arrest...Going out once in a while isn't a problem.''

I.M:'' So, we are going date?''

Hyungwon nodded.

Hyungwon:'' Hm..Like dat- WHAT!?? No!''

I.M smiled.

I.M:'' I understand! I was just messing around with ya! I'll go get changed.''

Hyungwon folded his hands.

Hyungwon:'' Make it fast.''

After sometime..

I.M:'' So, we are going out? Its been a long time, can we watch a movie?''

Hyungwon:'' A movie?!''

I.M:'' Yea!''

Hyungwon:'' Alright, after we eat something.''

They sat inside the car and Hyungwon started driving.

I.M:'' There was something I wanted to ask you..''

Hyungwon:'' What is it?''

I.M:'' You are rich, I mean you have a huge house, cars....but no servents? Why?''

Hyungwon:'' They all left after my father passed away...''

I.M:'' Oh..No one stayed to look after you?''

Hyungwon:'' No! They thought I was dependent on my father, so....they thought I won't survive long.''

I.M's lips slightly parted in eagarness to know more.

I.M:'' Really?''

Hyungwon:'' Since, I was young I was grown in a surrounding different from other kids. Everything I did was watched, corrected. I wouldn't be left alone for a second..even though I was alone from the inside. I had only elder sister to talk to freely...she would listen to whatever I said.''

I.M felt a bit hurt in his heart.

Hyungwon:'' As I was the youngest in the opinions didn't matter, I was taught never to interfere even if the elders were doing wrong.''

Hyungwon laughed. I.M sensed the pain in his laugh.

I.M:'' Why are you forcing yourself to smile?''

Hyungwon's eyes moved from road to I.M who was looking straight at him. There was some moment of silence then Hyungwon smiled again,

HYungwon:'' What are you talking about?''

I.M:'' Were you also taught we smile no matter how painful the situation is?''

Hyungwon's grip on the steering wheel tightened he didn't know what to say. I.M grabbed Hyungwon's hands.

I.M:'' Look at me! I asked something!''

The car stopped.

Hyungwon:'' Its dangerous! You shouldn't do th-''

I.M:'' Are you trying to ignore my questions?''

Hyungwon:'' Why are you so curious?''

I.M:'' Why are you so mysterious?''

Hyungwon:'' I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you.''

He shaked I.M's hands away. I.M whispered to himself.

I.M:'' I thought he was opening himself to me...and we were getting close...but that's not the case I guess.''

All the way to their destination there was silence..

Hyungwon:'' What do you wanna watch?''

I.M:'' This movie was released last week! Lets check it out.''

Hyungwon:'' Okay.''

Hyungwon went to pay and I.M sighed. He stared at Hyungwon's back.

I.M:'' So lonely.''

Hyunwon:'' Here! Lets go!''

I.M nodded. They sat and the movie started. After a while I.M noticed that Hyungwon was leaning towards him. He leaned forward to see.. As it was so dark none of them noticed that their faces was really close...I.M noticed Hyungwon's eyes...and his face getting a bit more close. I.M closed his eyes and moved his face ahead.

Hyungwon:'' Ah! Found it! Hum? You okay?''

I.M swiftly opened his eyes and saw Hyungwon right in front of him...He slammed his head on the chair...releasing what he was going to do and thinking...

Hyungwon:'' What's up?''

I.M:'' Nothing..''

I.M slapped his head.

Hyungwon:'' It was so dark that my mobile dropped I was looking for it...''

I.M:'' Is that so..?'''

I.M heavely sighed.

Hyungwon:'' Your voice seems to be disappointed..''

I.M bit his lower lip.

Hyungwon:'' Don't tell''

I.M whispered.

I.M:'' Oh shit..''

Hyungwon:'' by any chance didn't like the movie and was falling asleep??!''

IM:'' Huh?!''

I.M blinked his eyes..and was relieved not hearing the answer he was expecting.

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