Part 14.

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Kihyun bought food and kept it on table and sat. They sat awkardly for sometime.

Kihyun:'' To be honest, I don't know you, so I don't know how to start a conversation.''

I.M:'' Thats the same for me!''

Kihyun:'' So, you know Hyungwon for a long time?''

I.M:'' No. We have met not long ago, actually it was an accident. Our meeting.''

Kihyun:'' Really? Why?''

I.M:'' That...I don't know, if I should say this..''

Kihyun:'' Was he going to do something bad?''

Kihyun cutted I.M. And I.M looked surprised that Kihyun was aware. KIhyun sighed and looked at the food

Kihyun:'' I don't know what to do. He has completely become a different person.''

I.M:'' If you are aware why don't you stop him?''

Kihyun:'' I wish, I could, but he hates me now.''

I.M:'' I know he hates you, I saw you two fighting. But why?''

Kihyun:'' He probably hates me because I am a cop.''

I.M:'' YOU ARE A COP?!!!!!!!!''

Kihyun nodded.

Kihyun:'' Before Hyungwon's sister passed away, I was transferred to crime division. After her death, when the case was passed to us, before any researches or anything it was already declared an accident. Seeing Hyungwon turn out this way,I sometimes I ask my seniors to re investigate but they always ignore it. I really wanna help him badly but I can't.''

I.M:'' So he hates you because he thinks you won't do anything about her death?!''

Kihyun:'' Yes. To be honest it would be a nightmare to me if I have to arrest him if he is found doing something wrong.''

I.M:'' You seem to know him for a long time.''

Kihyun smiled.

Kihyun:'' I was the only friend he ever made. Since childhood to now. I was quite surprised when I saw you in his home, and somewhat relieved.''

I.M:'' Relieved?''

Kihyun:'' Changkyun! Don't ever hate Hyungwon, he is a really good person, since he was small he was always a puppet of his family, except for me and his sister there was no one who would care for him. He would be so alone now. Changkyun can you do me a favor?''

I.M:'' Fa..favor?''

Kihyun:'' Stay by his side!''

I.M:'' I dont know.''

Kihyun:'' I ask this from you. If you could....change his way of imagination...change his way of thinking...if you could do that..I might have time, and I might be able to help him.''

I.M:'' OKay...''

Kihyun's phone rang.

Kihyun:'' Yes? Yes. I will be there.''

He ended the call.

Kihyun:'' I have to go back to work now. Be safe on you way back.''

He stood up.

I.M:'' You too!''

Before leaving Kihyun turned around.

Kihyun:'' Changkyun! Don't tell Hyungwon that we met!''

I.M nodded. Kihyun left. 

Our Destiny ( Hyungkyun Fanfic )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin