Part 18.

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I.M was sitting in his dorm room. Listening to songs trying to distract his mind.

 I.M:'' Ugh!''

He took off his headphones. He couldn't just stop thinking about Hyungwon. He wore his jacket and decided to get some fresh air. He walked for sometime until he noticed...

I.M:'' Holy crap! I totally forgot about this! It was the cafe, that he got hired into.''

I walked inside the cafe but the owner was no where to be seen.

I.M:'' Why is no one here-ah!''

Someone hitted I.M's head from the back and he fell on the ground. They took him somewhere far away from there, a cottage in other words. After few hours, I.M opened his eyes.

I.M:'' Man, this hurts like hell.''

He looked around himself and felt he was tied to a chair in some unknown place! Someone walks inside the room, took a chair and sat in front of me.

??????:'' He literally hired a kid to fight with him?''

I.M:'' You are?''

???????:'' I am Park Sung ho.''

I.M:'' So..? Why are you doing this? Are you going to import me to other countries?''

Park Sung ho:'' Haha. You are a funny guy! You know very well who I am!''

I.M:'' the person Hyungwon is looking for?''

He smirked

Park Sung ho:'' You seem to know every well, guess kidnapping your friend didn't go to waste after all.''

I.M:'' Jooheon?! Where is he? Did you do something to him?''

Park Sung ho:'' Not yet! Bring him in!''

They bought Jooheon who was tied from ropes and he looked pale.

Jooheon:'' I.M? You are here too?!''

I.M:'' Jooheon! Sorry! Its all my fault!!''

Jooheon:'' I.M...''

Park Sung ho:'' Tie him too.''

They tied Jooheon to another chair. 

Park Sung ho:'' Its time to bring him here too!''

I.M:'' Wait...did you use me as a bait?''

Park Sung ho:'' what else? My men kept an eye on you two for so long and seems like you two are closer then my thoughts.''

I.M:'' Ha...he won't come, he....said he won't see me again. So, its no use.''

Park Sung ho:'' Who knows until you try..''

He clicked I..M's picture and sent it to Hyungwon. There was no response from the other side.

I.M:'' See?''

Park Sung ho:'' He is not stupid enough to lose someone else after his sister.''

I.M:'' really kill her? His sister?''

Park Sung ho:'' I had to! I had no choice, I killed her from my own hands, that bitch wrote so many articles against my company! And was going big, I cannot stand that! So, I had to! I stabbed her thrice on the stomach! And later my driver drove the car and kept her in the driving seat, and the best part the car was hit by a truck! And he blasted! Bum! No evidence!''

He was laughing.

I.M:'' You are crazy!''

Jooheon:'' Only a psycho will do something like that.''

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