𝖝𝖝𝖎𝖝. 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖆𝖒𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖆𝖋𝖔𝖔t

Start from the beginning

Colm Fahey chattered away with Wylan, seemingly confused as to his recent makeover. Kuwei lingered around behind them, trying to listen in. Matthias and Inej, who were strangely comical to look at when in such close proximity sat with Jesper as he worked away at what looked like some sort of armor or padding.

Through her blurring vision, Anya watched on as Nina and Kaz bickered away on opposite ends of the coffee table in front of her. "I can't believe you let Genya tailor you," she exclaimed. "You could have at least let me watch!"

Kaz shrugged, seemingly very invested in the map of Ketterdam splayed out across the table. "She offered," she grunted.

Nina looked at him in confusion. "But Kaz - Genya Safin is the best Tailor alive!" she exclaimed. "Tell him, Anya!"

Anya blinked and almost fell off of her chair. "Oh, uh - Genya? Pretty Genya?"

"Do you know anyone else called Genya?" Nina asked, sighing as her friend wriggled around in the armchair. "Saints, Anya! Yes - that Genya!"

"She's very good," Anya nodded drunkenly. "Although there was that one time she tried to kill the old King-"

"She was forced into that," Nina exclaimed, seemingly worried about Kaz's opinion of her Grisha friends. "By your brother, no less."

"Oh, I wasn't angry she did it," Anya laughed. "I'm pissed off she didn't finish the job!"

For the first time that evening, Kaz turned his attention towards her. "You wish for the death of your fiancée's father?"

Nina winced and went to move away, but Anya blocked her by resting her legs of her lap. "He's not my fiancée, Kaz," she said with a scowl. "And everyone knows the old cunt isn't really his-"

"I think that's enough said!" Nina exclaimed suddenly. "Back to my original point, why didn't you let her heal you-"

"She didn't know when to stop," Kaz said shortly, and Nina fell silent in understanding.

Anya stared at the side of his head with a frown. Why wouldn't he speak to her - or at least look at her? It wouldn't be so difficult to turn his face in her direction; hardly a mighty feat! "She could have gotten rid of the bruising," she muttered quietly.

"You look like the worst kind of Barrel thug," Nina nodded in agreement, examining the wounds on Kaz's face.

"I am the worst kind of Barrel thug - if you don't like it, avert your eyes elsewhere," he grumbled bitterly. "Now let's get to work."

Nina turned to look at Anya in exasperation, nodding meaningfully over at the bathroom door. Anya glanced back at her in confusion. Sighing heavily, Nina moved her foot to knock her friend's bottle of brandy over her shirt, leaving Anya gaping at her in outrage.

"Oh no," Nina said dryly. "I suppose we'll have to go to the bathroom to clean you up, won't we?"

Before she had time to release the string of curses she was brewing up in the drunken cauldron that was her mind, Nina was hauling Anya out of her armchair and whisking her away into the bathroom. Once the dark haired girl was safely sat in the empty bathtub, Nina rounded on her with a determined loo on her face. "Ok, what the Ghezen is going on?"

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