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2 weeks passed, Donghyuck's ankle is getting better.

But his ignorance towards Mark, no progress so far.

It confused the older so much, he didn't know what he did in the first place. It's like he gained a sin because he blinked his eye at a certain time of the day.

And Mark's not gonna let this pass easily, so he did it with all his might.

There's another activity, as it's Monday. And Donghyuck decided to play ps5 at their room, the 00 line's.

For now, Mark joined him in playing. 

He sat beside the latter, taking the other console. "Hey, let's play. If you win, we're not gonna talk about whatever shit is going on between us. But if I win, we talk about it," Mark announced.

It's already around 5:46 pm, but Donghyuck's room mates promised to be away until 7, deciding to go out for a walk after the mission.

"But Mark-"

"No, you don't have a say at this. You ignored me without letting me know what happened, let's just play fair," he spat, Donghyuck sighing before picking a game.

Donghyuck is good at games, but the thing is, Mark has been playing in his room with the 99 line too, borrowing Hendery's.

So the nights Donghyuck thought Mark is asleep, no. Mark played each and every game Renjun texted Donghyuck is playing. Mastered it, aced it, like expected from the man of gold himself.

The first game, Mark let him win. But the next two games, oh did he defeated Donghyuck in a snap.

When he won, he quickly let go of the console, facing the younger who just took a sigh. 

He held both his hands, "Hyuck-ah, can you let me now why? Please? I've been there for you for many times, you know you can tell me, right?"

"That's not the main case, Mark. I've told you countless of my problems, but I don't wanna lose you this way. I don't- I just don't wanna let this get in the way, that's it. But I can tell you, you shouldn't worry-"

"I'm worrying because you kept on pushing me away because of it, Donghyuck! I'm getting worried that you're gonna treat me just as a mission partner-"

Donghyuck groaned, "That's the point, Mark! Shouldn't it be that way in the first place?! The reason why I can't tell you is you're gonna push me away if I tell you! Do you think I never wanted to tell you how much I love you?!"

He quickly caught himself off, realizing what he just said. He stayed silent for a while, before attempting to stand up on his own, even if he walk while limping. "F-forget it, Mark. Let's just forget everything that happened tonight-"

"But what if I don't want to, Hyuck?" this time, Mark was the one to corrupt his sentence, looking at him with a broken gaze, glossy eyes in display for the younger.

He gulped, holding the younger's hand to hold him back from leaving. "Let me answer first before telling me to forget everything, at least. Let me have a say in this too," Mark plead, squeezing the younger's hand.

Donghyuck stared back at him with just as much of heaviness in his heart, "I don't even see a point to it, but sure..." he trailed off, letting Mark pull him back to his seat, keeping his gaze low and avoiding Mark's.

Mark heaved a sigh, "I'm gonna tell you from the start, Hyuck. You just- you taught me everything. Even anger, annoyance, all that sort. I really felt those with you.

We began getting closer, either way. And if anything, you also taught me how to love... you're not the only one wanting to scream how much you love me, Hyuck. I've been waiting for you, all along."

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