Chapter 8: Family Outing

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"Hey [Your Name]," Donald greeted the [Hair Color] haired girl when she passed by Yeo-Il's front gates. "Are you busy this Saturday?"

"No," [Your Name] shook her head. 'I have the day off and I'm not hanging with the Eungang or my brothers that day,' "Why?"

"Would you like to go to the zoo with me?" Donald offered. "I won a pair of tickets to the zoo from a class drawing,"

[Your Name] quirked a brow. "Why me and not your friend who's standing right next to you? I'm sure he'll feel left out," 'And you've known him longer than me,'

"I have business to attend to that day," Kingsley claimed. He had no intention of going to the zoo. The Union was already enough of a zoo to deal with. "You should take Do—Damien up on his offer," 'I have to address Donald as 'Damien' whenever [Your Name] is within hearing range. He doesn't want to tell her that he's actually Donald Na yet,'

[Your Name] thought about the offer for a moment. "Well, I do like animals," In addition to being Alistair's bodyguard, she had also been in charge of taking care of his pet alligator. Taking care of Chompy was one of the easier and enjoyable tasks since the reptile tended to act more like a dog than a typical alligator. "Where and when do you want to meet up?"

"How does 10:00 AM in front of the zoo sound?" Donald suggested. 

"That time works with me," [Your Name] agreed. 'I'll leave earlier and search up directions to the zoo,' "I gotta head to work now,"

"Where do you work?" Donald inquired.

"Cafe Gamma," She glanced at her watch. "I really gotta go now. Bye Vampire Boy! Bye Vampire Boy's servant!" She then left without realizing what she had just called them.

"Congratulations on your date," Kingsley patted Donald's back.

"It's not a date," Donald corrected him. "She just interests me. There's not many people besides you who treat me like a normal person. Everyone is either terrified of me or is challenging me to a fight. While I do love my notoriety, I do enjoy being treated like a normal human being from time to time,"

"By the way," Kingsley added. "You should have told her to meet in front of Yeo-Il instead of the zoo. She has a horrible sense of direction,"

"...Yeah, you got a point there,"


[Your Name] [Last Name] was lost, not that she would ever admit it. She tried to follow the map on her phone but...maps were confusing, okay? And she's never been to any zoos in Korea before! Somehow, she ended up in front of Yeo-Il's gates again.

'It's almost ten o'clock,' She sighed. 'Should I call Damien?' She looked through her contacts and realized that she didn't have her vampiric friend's phone number. 'I have my brothers' numbers and the Eungang's numbers, but not Vampire Boy's...How do I go about asking for his number without making it seem like I'm asking him out? I don't want to give off the wrong impression and falsely lead him on,'

[Your Name] sighed and took a break from walking around. She looked up from her phone when she saw a yellow Lamborghini pull up in front of her. 'If this is some rich pompous asshole that thinks I'm a prostitute I'm gonna—'

"Hey Wifey," Donald rolled down the passenger window. 

[Your Name] stared at him. "What did you just call me?"

"You called me 'Vampire Boy' the other day," Donald pointed out. "It's only fair that I give you a nickname too. So, from now on I'm going to call you 'Wifey',"

"Then how about instead of 'Vampire Boy', I call you 'Hubby' instead?" [Your Name] teased as she got into the front passenger seat.

"And I call you Mommy and Daddy!" A voice came from the backseat.

"Damon?" [Your Name] recognized the two year old boy. "What are you doing here?"

"Mr. Nae needed to go to the doctor's and his usual babysitter was unavailable," Donald informed. "I offered to bring him with us to the zoo. I hope you don't mind,"

"I don't mind since he's young enough for free admission," [Your Name] told him. "But are we just going to ignore the fact that he called us his parents?"

"I already tried correcting him on the way here, but he's adamant about calling us his parents," Donald shrugged. "I gave up and decided to just roll with it,"

"People will mistake us for a couple," [Your Name] said.

"I've already had a bunch of fujoshi ship me with Kingsley, despite he and I being just friends," Donald shrugged once more. "If anything more than a friend, I see Kingsley as a brother," 'There are also a bunch of fujoshi shipping me with Ben Park since he's one of the few people who opposed the Union,'

"Mommy is Mommy and Daddy is Daddy and I'm Damon," The two year old said. "Now I have parents like all the other kids at daycare,"

"You don't have any parents?" [Your Name] asked softly.

"Mr. Nae found him when he was only a few days old," Donald recalled. "He's never had any parents, just his grandpa. Damon, you don't need parents to be happy. I grew up without my parents just fine," 'Okay, not completely fine, but good enough,'

"I lost my parents at four years old and lived on the streets for a year before being taken in by my boss and taught to become a bodyguard," [Your Name] added. 

"Okay," Damon said. "But Mommy is still Mommy and Daddy is still Daddy,"

Well...they tried.


"What a cute little family," The man running the ticket booth commented. "I hope you three enjoy your visit to Yeongdeungpo Zoo,"

"You didn't correct him," Donald noted. 

"I can tell that he's the type of person who would have ignored me if I claimed that you and I were just friends babysitting for a neighbor," [Your Name] told him. "Some people only hear what they want to hear," 'You won't believe how many people I've encountered that wants things done only a certain way and won't accept any changes, no matter how necessary it was to change certain aspects,'

"Pink birdie!" Damon pointed at the flamingo enclosure. 

Donald lifted Damon up and let him sit on his shoulder so that he could get a better view of the flamingos. "You like flamingos, Damon?"

"Yep!" Damon nodded. "They're birdies so they're tasty like a chicken! Since they're pink, they'll taste like strawberries!"

"Damon...I don't think it's legal to eat a flamingo..."


The trio went to each exhibit and took several photos of the animals and as a family. It was really fun. All three of them enjoyed the outing. And yes, there were several comments about them being such a cute family.


[Your Name] beamed as she looked through her photo gallery on her phone. 'A goat tried to eat Damien's expensive jacket,' She giggled. 'He looked like he really wanted to punch the goat but the goat gave him a sad puppy look,'

'Do you really think you deserve any of this?'

'Shut up!'

'You don't deserve any of this,'

'I came to Korea to start anew!'

'That doesn't erase your past,'

'I know...but nobody here needs to know about it!'

This was a family bonding moment that wasn't included in the old version.

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