Chapter 6: Eunjang VS Hyeongshin Part II

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[Your Name] scribbled absentmindedly in her notebook. She glanced at Eugene, who looked like he wanted to talk to her but had no idea how to start a conversation with her. 'He's intimidated by me,' She noted. 'I don't want to scare him away. I'll wait for him to start a conversation rather than starting one myself,'

'Friends shouldn't afraid of each other. You're not really a friend,'

'SHUT UP! We barely know each other! Of course we're not going to be immediately comfortable around each other! We'll all warm up to each other!'

When Gray returned from the bathroom, Eugene struck up a conversation with him, though he was still nervous as he spoke. "I signed up at the cram school just like you suggested. I'm in the super basics class. I'm trying to start studying too, now,"

"Good job," Gray passed a notebook labeled KEY POINTS to Eugene. "Since you're not at all accustomed to studying, you should start by improving your grades in memorization-based subjects. The curriculum institute announced that the test will be mostly based on the test questions from two to three years ago, so I condensed it into that notebook. The fun of studying only begins with seeing tangible results..."

[Your Name] stopped scribbling and stared at him with wide eyes. "You consider studying to be fun!?

"Yes," Gray answered with a straight face.

'He's not lying,' "Okay..." 'That explains why he's always the top of the class. He's having fun while getting high grades,'

"And it's easier to improve in memorization-based subjects in the beginning as opposed to comprehension-based ones. Don't just study like an idiot. You need to maximize efficiency to minimize burn out," Gray told Eugene. He then turned to face [Your Name]. "You should also focus more on your studies,"

"Well, it's not like I'm doing horribly like borderline failing," [Your Name] replied. "I don't really see any value in achieving first place. Sure, you can get into a good university, but in the end I can earn a degree from any university. You can keep the Number One rank. Now if there was prize money involved...I'd put in more effort,"

"By the way," Eugene spoke up. "You may not be interested in this kind of stuff, but rumors about both you and Gray have been circulating. Gray, Yoosun's been calling you the 'White Mamba of Eunjang' and [Your Name], they've been calling you the 'Scarlet Devil',"

"Scarlet Devil?" [Your Name] smiled. "That's a cool nickname. Let me guess, 'Scarlet' is from the color of blood and 'Devil' is from the scars caused by my knives but they'll say they're form the devil's claws?"


'I didn't really want to get this much attention. [Your Name] thought. 'I only fought to protect myself. I just wanted to fit in and blend into the background to live a normal high school life in peace. But I guess it's not like this matters at the moment. Only those two...what school did Eugene say they were from? Hyeongshin? Those two Hyeongshin students saw my face and they would be the only ones able to identify me,'

For the rest of break time, [Your Name] searched up any job openings either near her apartment or en route to and from school. Her savings would only last her so long, so she needed to earn money. She found a couple, but the listings required degrees and job experience. She eventually settled on a cafe waitress at Cafe Gamma and sent an email with her resume.

The next day, [Your Name] received an email a few days later confirming that she had an interview after school. Once the final bell rang and class was dismissed, she quickly left with only a wave to Eugene and Gray. She passed the interview and was hired.

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