Chapter 3: The Beginning of Friendship

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[Your Name] passed by Yeo-Il High School on her way home. Although she was awful at navigation and directions, she was somehow always able to find her way home. Even after just recently moving to South Korea, it was as if she was a homing pigeon.

"Oh, did you actually make it to school?" It was just her luck that Vampire Boy and his servant were at the school's gates.

"Of course I did," She told them smugly. "And like I said, my way was more scenic,"

"Your way was under construction,"

"And?" 'Bitch, you knew it was under construction and didn't tell me!? You just let me walk that way?' "I may have pissed off the construction crew, but I still got to Eunjang,"

Donald suddenly grabbed [Your Name]'s hand and she reacted by twisting his arm behind his back. "Don't grab me as you like,"

"You have some blood on your jacket sleeve,"

"What?" She let him go and looked down at her jacket cuff. 'I didn't notice it at first since the fabric's dark and the blood practically blends in,' "You still shouldn't have grabbed me like that. It's rather rude of you. I'll just wash the blood off when I get home,"

"You're not going to end up at the wrong house like you ended up at the wrong school?"

[Your Name] sent an annoyed glare his way, though her face was slightly pink. "Shut up!" She then hurried away.

"Donald," Kingsley asked. "Why do you let her speak to you that way? Why didn't you retaliate when she twisted your arm?"

"She's amusing," Donald claimed. "That blood wasn't hers, so she must've been in a fight, but there's not a single injury on her. Despite her petite look, she's not all skin and bones. When I grabbed her arm, I felt her lean muscles,"


When [Your Name] returned to her apartment, she pulled out a food bar to nibble on for dinner. 'I'm running low on food and water. I'll have to restock soon,' She washed her jacket sleeves, finished her homework, and climbed into her sleeping bag. 'I should probably eat something other than food bars though. I'm getting tired of the taste and it's not like I'm going to move anytime soon. I'm going to actually settle down for once and complete the rest of my high school education in peace,'

She retrieved a book from her backpack, [Favorite Manga Series], and began to reread it. She had already read the entire series but only owned the first volume since in the past, it'd be a pain to move around with too many belongings. But since she had settled down, [Your Name] decided to hit the bookstore for some fresh manga soon.

[Your Name] thought back to the fight she had participated in. 'How often do fights occur? I don't have any plans on being the #1 fighter or anything, but I will fight if they threaten me,' She thought back to the blood that had been on her jacket sleeve. 'I just need to make sure to hold back. I don't want to accidentally kill anyone,'


During break time the next day, Ben visited Class Five. "Hey Eugene Gale," He threw an arm him. "Gray Yeon, [Your Name] [Last Name],"

[Your Name] glanced up from her [Favorite Manga Series] book and raised a brow. "Hmm?"

"Now, now, it's no time for us to just be sitting around like this! Don't you think we should be getting together to share some thoughts and ideas to better our future?"

'I'm not going to do any additional studying. I can get first place, I just want to not draw any unnecessary attention or pressure. I'm fine with staying in the middle ranks,'

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