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you and grayson played for a while more before george called out to you once again.
you ended the call and walked downstairs to see your brother in the kitchen.

'are trying to burn down the house?' you asked, already concerned over what was happening.
'i wanted to cook dinner for once but i don't know how long to leave this to cook for' he said as you walked up to him. he tilted the pan in your direction to show you he was cooking rice.
'so? when do i stop cooking it' he asks, looking at the rice.
'well about 5 minutes before it looks like that' you laughed. it didn't look bad but it was overcooked. yet you both still decided to eat it. you sat down together and ate at a table for once instead of your desk. you two did this like once a week, trying to maintain a family dynamic as much as you can when you both stream most the day. you were always busy with homework or streaming or friends and george was always busy with the same things except rather than school it was coding and editing yet you still always managed to find time to have a dinner together and catch up. you only ever really argued on camera as a bit, you couldn't remember the last real argument you had.

'this rice is actually good for being overcooked' you chucked after swallowing and going for more.
'i'm not that bad of a cook am i?' george laughed.
'you aren't but im better' you grinned at him before you both started laughing.
'so you and tommy huh' he smirked, looking at you.
'george what- we're friends' you responded, blushing.
'you think i haven't seen you sleep on call with him?' he chuckled.
'you- i- alright im done here go tell your boyfriend that i said hello' you giggled, 'how's dream' you asked casually. immediately flustering george just by asking a two word question.
'i don't know what you're talking about' he looked away, blushing as well.
'you think i haven't seen you sleep on call with him?' you copied his tone of voice. quickly putting your dishes in the sink and running upstairs whilst he scoffed. you would come back later to clean the dishes.
you left your phone upstairs to see 2 missed calls from tommy and a few messages from him, as well as a notification from twitch that he went live.

messages : tomathyyyyyy :)
-> call meeeee
-> y/n
-> y/n l/n
-> madame
-> ok ok i'm gonna stream but join vc when you see your phone :)

you laughed at his dms and turned on your pc, loading up minecraft and discord, then putting tommy's stream up on your second monitor. it was about 1pm now. george had went to sleep since his sleep schedule is synced with clay's and it was only 8am in florida. he would be asleep for another 3 hours at most.

'o. y/n is online on discord' tommy spoke to stream.
'y/n in chat?' the viewers had noticed your presence, it felt strange but nice at the same time.
you looked at discord to have the sound of an incoming call go through your headset. you accept call and immediately heard tommy yell a greeting.
'y/n?' he asked.
'yeah?' you responded confused to the sudden change in his voice.
'i can hear myself' he responded, voice soft.
shit. you quickly muted his stream.
'better now?' you asked, oh god was he going to remember this.
'you were watching my stream. see chat? women love me!' he laughed. you laughed a bit aswell but otherwise remained silent as you watched him walk through the dream smp.
dream had invited you to join a while back, before you decided to stream to and you said you would join one day, but never got around to it. dream said you were welcome to join whenever you wanted, whether it was in 5 days or 5 months. this would be a great time to surprise them.

sisternotfound // tommy x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang