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"Dad..." I began. My father slowly looked up from his golfing magazine and raised one eyebrow at me.

"Summer..." He mimicked, in the same tone I had used.

"You know how you love me so much..." I trailed off. Before I could carry on, my father slapped his magazine up and folded his arms.

"Whatever it is you want, no." He replied. I scoffed. He didn't even know what I was going to ask! "I know you want to borrow money for your schools charity event next month but no can do kiddo." He added, as if reading my thoughts. Maybe my facial expressions just reveal my thoughts. Or maybe my Dad is secretly a pshycic.. My college has been infamous in this town for throwing the most extravagant events to raise money for all of the town's local charity's. Last year, they did a huge drive in cinema, like the one in Grease, it was amazing. I never miss it. This year they were doing a carnival, again like the one in Grease. Unfortunately, I didn't have the funds to go this year.

"But Dad! You can't say no to charity. I only need like ten pounds for food!" I pleaded. My Dad just looked at me expectantly. He knew he had won. That look was just a sign for me to go away. It always worked. I sighed and went into the kitchen, where my twin brother, Kian, was currently munching noisily on a piece of toast.

"Good morning Summer!" He exclaimed, toast still in his mouth. I grimaced at the sight before throwing the wrapper from my breakfast bar at him. He frowned and threw it in the bin.

"Don't talk with your mouth full Kian. It's not pleasant or attractive." I said before taking a bite of my granola bar, not whilst eating it. I'm not a hypocrite.

"I'd be kinda worried if you did find me attractive Sum!" He retorted. I rolled my eyes and finished my granola bar and then sat across from him.

"So Kian... You know how you love me..." I trailed off, trying to see if I can get my twin coughing up money for me. Kian dropped his half eaten slice of toast onto his plate and shook his head.

"Nope. I'm just as broke as you are." He replied. I huffed in disappointment. Ever since mum left, money has been super tight. Dad would only lend us money for something necessary, like for our phone bills. I mean, a phone isn't technically necessary but it is for safety/emergency reasons. He made us bring our own lunches to school and he would only buy us clothes if the item was under £10 and if it was completely necessary. So basically we only got clothes from Primark. Don't get me wrong, primark is decent but I would much prefer to atleast get something from Topshop every now and then. "You know, maybe we should find ourselves a part time job. At least then we could buy some clothes from shops that aren't Primark. Do you realise how long it's been since I've been in Topman?" Kian explained. At first, I internally grimaced at the idea. I have never liked the idea of having to get up early on a Saturday to do work. But then, I thought of how good it'd feel to spend my own money on what I want without having my dad request to view the reciept every time I returned home with a shopping bag. With my own money, I could buy a Starbucks coffee! I've not had a coffee from Starbucks in almost a year. My Dad always complains that they cost too much. Which is true. They are expensive but tell me a coffee shop with decent coffee that ISN'T atleast £3 per cup? Blame inflation.

"Shall we go job hunting after school?" I suggested. My brother nodded and we both got into our cars, something our mum thankfully didn't take with her when she left considering she bought them. We then made our way to college, also known as our daily hell visit.


"We're going job hunting with your brother?" Elise asked as I placed my stuff into my locker. I nodded my head and stared at her in confusion. Why did she sound so panicky? "Why can't you two just go without me?" Her breathing had started to hitch in her throat. I was beginning to feel worried.

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