Don't Do That To Us Part 4

Start from the beginning

Alfie whines and Rich sighs "I'll take him, you take her". Jensen nods "Okay". "Come on, Alfie. Good boy" He says, gently getting him off of Cal. He huffs in protest. "It's okay, we're taking her to the hospital" He sighs and Alfie reluctantly complies. Jensen takes her into his arms and easily lifts her as he stands up. She rests her head on his chest. "Don't fall asleep, Cal" He sighs. 

After getting a cab, Rich gets in the back with Cal and Alfie while Jensen waits outside for Misha to meet them. Cal buries her face into Richard's shirt. The cab driver happened to be really nice and patient. "Richie, my head hurts" She mumbles. He sighs "I know, Cal. It's okay". She whines, starting to cry a little. He hushes her softly, wiping away the tear that fell down her cheek "Shh, don't cry. It's okay, sweetie". Misha soon meets them with Rob right behind him. Luckily it's a big enough cab. "I called Cassie. She can't get here until tomorrow. There's no flights available until then. I promised her that Cal would be fine and we'll take care of her until she gets here. I found Rob wandering around, all worried about her. Got him to text the group chat to tell everyone what happened. And I called the hospital on the way here" Misha explains. Jensen nods "Okay, good. Get in". Him and Misha share the double seat beside the driver and Rob manages to squeeze in the back with Rich and Cal. "Nearest hospital" Jensen tells the driver.

Cal starts to fall asleep from pure exhaustion and Rich notices "No, no. Cal, don't fall asleep sweetie". She whines in response and he sighs "I know". Alfie licks her cheek and Rich smiles at him "Good boy". Rob frowns, sharing a worried look with Rich. "Richie" She mumbles. He hums "Yeah?". "It hurts" She whimpers. He sighs, rubbing her arm a bit. Rob moves himself closer as well and takes her hand, gaining her attention. "Hi, Robbie" She huffs. He smiles slightly "Hey". She tries to fall asleep again, but they don't let her. "Cal, stay awake for us, sweetie. Just a few more minutes, okay?" Rich sighs. His words don't register in her mind, and she closes her eyes. Alfie whines, resting his head on her. Rich curses under his breath "Jensen, she's fallen asleep". The latter sighs "Dammit".

Two weeks later

When Cal woke up, she had to blink a few times to adjust to the bright white lights above her. Which immediately gave her a headache. The fact that everything else is white too doesn't help. And the beeping sound doesn't either, nor does the plastic tube taped around her arm. She groans "Someone turn the light off". Not actually expecting it to happen, she sits up when it dims. She sees her mom sitting in the chair beside the bed and her dad is the one who turned the light down. She frowns "D-Did it happen again?". Her mom nods "Yeah, at the convention two weeks ago. The guys had to take you to the hospital. You fainted on the way". "Where's Alfie?" She asks, looking around. "He's fine, Cal. Rich has him" Her dad replies before sitting at the end of the bed. "I've been asleep for two weeks?" She questions. Her mum nods, tearing up "Everyone's been worried sick about you, Callan. The doctors thought you weren't going to wake up again". Cal gulps "Am I okay?". Her dad nods "Yeah, for the most part. Your headache might last a while. When you fell at the convention, your body went into shock. So, it'll take a few months to get you walking and using your arms again". She lifts one of her arms up and yelps. "Ouch" She pouts, putting it back down.

The next day (Cal's POV)

The door opens and mum comes in, looking better than she did yesterday. "Cal, some people are here to see you" She tells me. I raise an eyebrow "Who?". She opens the door wider and Jared, Jensen, Misha, Rob and Rich all come in. I smile slightly "Hey, guys". Jensen is first to hug me "Don't ever scare us like that again". I chuckle as I get a hug from each of them "No promises". Rich is last to hug me and my mum leaves the room. I sigh "I'm sorry for worrying you guys" I mumble. Jared shakes his head "Don't apologise, Cal. We're just glad you're okay". I smile slightly. "So, what's the update?" Rich asks. I sigh "They're keeping me here for a few months. Now that I'm awake, they want me to do physiotherapy to get my limbs moving. Said it'll take up to six months, but it depends on how quickly my body recovers. And now I am being prescribed glucose tablets that I need to take twice a day. As well as keep up with my regular shots. The, um… my doctor already lectured me pretty good. So, I don't need another one". They chuckle. Rich and Jensen sit on either side of me. Rob and Misha sit on the end of it and Jared sits in the chair next to my bed. As Jensen is the closest to me, I lean into him "When will I get to see Alfie?". Rich smiles "That is one stubborn dog you got, Cal. Believe me, he did not want to leave your side. But you'll see him soon. Wanna know what he did the whole first week?". I nod "What'd he do?". He chuckles "He sat at my front door and waited. He wasn't movin' anywhere. Didn't want to play or anythin'. I think he was the most worried about you out of all of us put together". "How'd you get him to move?" I question. He hesitates, then shrugs "Just the usual things. I convinced him that the living room might be a bit more comfortable to sleep in and some other stuff I tried. He's all good though, can't wait to see you". I smile slightly "I can't wait to see him either".

Hey, so this was the last part of Don't Do That To Us. Hope you liked it!

- W.S

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