Don't Do That To Us Part 3

Start from the beginning

I chuckle "Great question. One, yes it is very dizzying. I don't recommend it. And two, I have been lucky enough to have people in my life who are incredibly supportive and always have been. Either with my own family and within this family here. These guys and everyone else are the most patient and caring people I've ever met. They offer to help me if I need it and they… if I don't need help with something, they don't bother me. They ask if I'm okay and that's it. Which is very much appreciated. It's one of the many reasons that my mum feels comfortable enough to leave me with them for a day or two. But that's what helps me personally. Just surround yourself with the right people and you'll be fine". She nods "Thanks". "Was that okay?" I question. She smiles "Yes, thank you". I nod "Okay, great. Moving on".

"Hi, can you sing for us?" Someone asks.

I feel my heart drop "Please tell me that question is for Rob". She chuckles "Sorry, yeah. It's for Rob". I sigh in relief "Oh, thank god". I giggle, turning to face the boys behind me. Rob nods "Um… sure. Yeah, I can do that". The audience cheers and Rich comes to sit beside me. "Finally decided to join me?" I tease him. He chuckles, nudging me "Just wanted to get a better seat". Rob puts the guitar strap on over his head before starting to tune it. He looks at the person and I watch as he tunes the guitar. "What do you want me to sing?" He asks. She shrugs "Anything". He hums, glancing at me and Rich "Okay". When it's tuned, he starts to play Fare Thee Well. Then he starts to sing

If I had wings,
Like Noah's dove.
I'd fly up the river
to the one I love.
Fare thee well, oh honey
Fare thee well

I knew a man,
He's long and tall.
He moved his body
like a cannonball
Fare thee well, oh honey.
Fare thee well

Remember one night,
In drizzling rain.
And around my heart,
I felt an aching pain.
Fare thee well, oh honey
Fare thee well

One of these days,
it won't be long.
You'll call my name and
I'll be gone.
Fare thee well, oh honey
Fare thee well

Fare thee well

The audience claps and cheers and I clap too when he finishes. As he puts the guitar back, Rich speaks up "Man, I'm so glad that question was for Rob. Cause you would not be cryin' if it was for me". I chuckle at that and we move on.

"Hey, this is for all of you. I was wondering if you had any funny stories from the set of spn".

I hum into my mic, then smile "I have a few. But which one shall I tell you?". I receive a laugh from the audience. I purse my lips "Oh, I have one". Rich motions for me to go ahead.

"So, um… J2 are known for messing with people, especially Misha. I've been a witness many times. And they don't really mess with me much, cause they know I literally don't have two minutes to myself on set. But this one time, I can't remember the episode. Anyway, I was doing a scene with Jared, Jensen, Mark Sheppard and Ruth. And I had to say this big speech to Crowley. It was a lot of words and I kept messing up because those two a-holes were behind the camera, making faces at me. And every time the director turned around to see what I was laughing at, they acted normal. So, I got in trouble cause I was laughing so much. And then I really understood what Misha goes through every day".

I smile, seeing so many people laugh at my story. Rich chuckles "That's a great story, Cal. This isn't funny for me, but here goes. I've told this story before, so I'm sorry if you've already heard it. This was back in season three. I didn't know the boys too well at this point. But after shooting, they invited me over to their trailer to watch a football game. I thought that was nice of them to do that, cause otherwise I would've just went back to the hotel I was staying at. Now, not only do they have similar names. Their trailers are identical. So I picked at random and went over to one of them. You know, what are the chances? So, I walk up to the door, knock. And I hear muffled sounds. So, I assumed that was them. I went into the trailer, said 'Hey, what's the s-'. Two giant dogs were layin' on the couch. I went 'Ah!'. They went 'Grrr'. And they leapt from the couch, so I quickly stepped back out and slammed the door shut. So, then I composed myself, went back to change my pants. Then I went back to the right trailer and acted like nothing happened".

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