Bonus: Full Circle

Start from the beginning

She was a relatively powerful witch, born to another witch. She didn't need anything else.

Despite her new acquired knowledge, she'd never once brought Faye to see her discovery, for she could only imagine the younger witch's reaction.

Faye wasn't exactly known for her ability to keep secrets.
Or to keep her hands to herself.
Not that she was necessarily complaining...

But as it turns out, none of Zelia's spells could have prepared her for this.

The wind rustled in the nearly-bare trees, blowing the dried leaves to the ground.


Just like them.
All of them.

Six dead bodies who had still been people but a second ago.

And he stood in the middle of it.
Surrounded by flames and death itself.

The last time she'd seen flames was a vivid memory.

Faye was screaming and tied to Jake and they were dying.

The flames licked their skin as they climbed the pole, drawing a perfect circle around them and getting nearer still.

She'd thought she was going to lose her that day.
But she'd survived. She was here. They were all here.

Surrounded by a circle of smoke, skinny carcasses and rotting bits of flesh.

She lifted her leg and sidestepped an ominous rock, the glistening surface shimmering a bright red under the moonlight.

Jake led the way out of the narrowed outcropping and the rest of them scattered around the circle.

Under the dark blanket of night, six dead bodies, and seven witches.

Ivy felt her own dread spike through the roof as Faye shuddered beside her.
No matter how many times they would face adversity, this kind of twisted witch rituals always rendered them mute.

''Adam!'' Cassie screamed, her eyes turning to the lone figure standing in the midst of it all.

The fog was thick around him, and although they'd spent several years looking for him, she would recognize those dimpled cheeks anywhere.
His hair was longer and he harbored a shaggy brown bread which framed red-rimmed eyes she barely recognized.

She'd grown up with him.
She knew him.
But this... this wasn't Adam.

''Adam!'' Cassie repeated, screaming over the gust of wind.
It picked up the scattered leaves and the bits of melted snow off the ground and twirled them around the circle, forming a protective cloak around the warlock.

Jake stepped forward and tried to step over the line of chalk, grossly formed with dead leaves, only for an invisible force to knock him backward. He flew away and landed against a trunk, his body hitting the bark with a sickening crack.

''Adam, stop it!''

He didn't listen.

Their efforts fell on deaf ears as he produced a blade from his jacket pocket, and their eyes widened with horror.

Ivy only had time to hear Cassie scream and look away from Jake to see him plunge the knife into his own chest. Jake groaned under her and she helped him up, walking back to the circle as the fog dissipated.

''Oh my god. Oh my god.''

The former circle ran to the centerpiece of this macabre ritual, crossing over the chalk circle and pushing leaves aside as they got to the body.

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