Gryphon:*thinking* I'm gonna assume that she and yang are the same age now but she didn't apply for beacon but why wouldn't she? Maybe raven stuck around in this world and it's her influence? Guess we'll see huh izanami?

Izanami: indeed we shall my dear gryphon

Ruby and I quickly stop our thinking as we here the door open and see a regular old Ozpin swag his way into the room

Ozpin: well we meet again miss. Rose and in the same room no less * chuckles * how strange fate is.

Ruby: okay look Oz you might as well say what you want to say because I'm pretty sure I already know what it is so let's get on with it cause I'm not the only person in here remember?
After she says this she looks over at gryphon with a smile a not too big not too small smile and said smile melts gryphon's heart

Ozpin: very well miss. Rose since I figured you'd say that I already have the papers here and all you need to do is sign here

Ruby: * sigh * sure. I don't feel like delaying it any longer anymore.

As ruby signs the beacon enrollment forms Ozpin turns his attention to gryphon

Ozpin: and now I'd like to ask YOU some questions mr. ...?

Gryphon: the names Gryphon Light

Ozpin seems to almost shrink back in response to his name

Ozpin: *thinking* that old legend is finally coming into play eh? *out loud* well than mr. Light how would you like to attend beacon?

Gryphon: i would be honored sir *thinking* this is going well so far but I'm pretty sure Oz knows more about me than he's letting on

Ruby: * thinking* huh so reading all those books on mythology wasn't a waste of time afterall........ cute and named after a mythical hero eh? Guess i got a little lucky today.

Ozpin: well mr. Light we look forward to seeing you in beacon tomorrow

Eh whatever

As he says his farewells to ruby and Glynda he leaves the interrogation room with ruby giving gryphon a two finger salute goodbye she then walks out of the room but before gryphon can leave Glynda pipes up again

Glynda: tell me something Light, what exactly is your semblance?

Gryphon: well, one increases the power of the projectiles i fire from guns and-

Glynda: and? You mean to say that you have-

Gryphon: more than one? Yes it allows me to turn things into solid gold including weaponry and myself and everything continues to work properly I've been testing it for a while

After saying this he leaves Glynda to ponder it for a moment

As gryphon exits the police station he sees the red reaper there ...... waiting for him?
As he steps outside she walks up to him and stares into his eyes before she starts to ask questions

Ruby: so... why were you lying to goodwitch?

Did she figure me out already?!
Ooh i have an idea

Gryphon: can you keep a secret?

Ruby: sure whatcha got?

Gryphon: I'm actually a god from another world in the multiverse looking to change the fates of you and another group of specific people

Ruby:....... so how did you get here

Gryphon: *creates portal* that's how.

Ruby:..................okay so you aren't lying but why would you come here anyway

Gryphon: like i said "to change fate"

Ruby: okay but can you prove it all?

Gryphon: *smirks and creates another portal* follow me love. *enters portal*

Ruby: love? Okay smooth but not smoother than me * short giggle *

Ruby then follows gryphon into the portal before it closes behind her
And the before her she sees the deck of gryphon's ship the "Tower"

Ruby: holy mother of fuck.......

Gryphon has encountered the reaper, the witch, and the wizard but everything is wrong
Let's pray that the discrepancies don't get too severe or gryphon may have to fix it himself

A God Arrives to Change Remnant's fateWhere stories live. Discover now