When I looked at Sunshine, she was giving me a disbelieving look. “I doubt it was just a crush.”

I blushed. “It doesn’t matter.” I waved it off. “So you’ll help me, right?” Sunshine nodded. “Good. Hunting Season is only a few days away. Do you know where the hunting grounds are going to be?”

Sunshine looked proud and puffed up her chest. “Of course I do! I’m not the Golden Moon alpha’s little sister for nothing! But really, it’s not going to be that exciting since we’re not really traveling anywhere far.”

My eyes widened. “You mean…?”

She nodded. “Yep. The hunting grounds will be on the Crescent Moon territory.”

If it was going to be near home, then that would be even better. Since Dominic’s a friend of the alpha of the territory, he’ll catch a lot of attention from the five to ten packs that will attend. His mate’s bound to be in one of those packs.

“But Helen…” Sunshine said, making me turn to her. “What makes you so sure you’re not his mate?”

I glared. Hard. “Are you making fun of me again Sunshine? How many times do I have to tell you to stop bringing up my embarrassing past?”

She lifted her hands in surrender. “I’m being serious! I mean, we were so sure you were his mate.”

My glare turned into a flat stare. “We were ten. Our werewolf instincts weren’t exactly the best at that age.”

“C’mon Helen.” She said in a whining tone. “Don’t give up on my brother just because he’s as blind as a bat!”

“You’re insulting bats.” I muttered, but brought up my voice. “And if I was his mate, he would’ve made a move on me or at least told me a long time ago. He hasn’t.”

“What are you talking about? You just said he’s touching you a lot! Isn’t that making a move?”

I shook my head with a sigh. “He’s probably just horny.”

Sunshine blinked at me before she let out a small laugh. “Wow. When did your vocabulary increase?”

I blushed. I barely ever swear or use dirty words. But Willow’s always using that word to describe werewolves. I guess she was rubbing off of me.

“He told me he hasn’t had a girlfriend for over a year.” I shrugged. “Maybe his hormones are getting restless.” But then I moved quickly to change the subject and looked straight at Sunshine. “By the way, Sunny,” she looked at me. “Are you going to be serious about looking for your mate during Hunting Season this year?”

Sunshine was a very pretty girl. Just as her name implies, she’s like the sunshine. Her hair has a golden shine to them and her eyes are also gold. And she has a bright personality. I’m amazed she hasn’t found her mate yet.

In the end, she just shrugged. “I don’t know. If I find my mate, then I find him. If I don’t, then I don’t. Not like I’m going to eventually grow old and die.”

I nodded my head in agreement. Werewolves can live for thousands of years. But we’re told as children that living our lives with our mates will be more fulfilling. And so everyone rushes to find their mates at a young age.

Apparently, Dominic thinks otherwise since he has no thoughts whatsoever about finding his own mate. Not that he’s getting really old. He’s only twenty three.

“So.” Sunshine clapped her hands and rubbed them together. “Are we going to make a plan or what? Show me to your room, Bunny, and my miracle hands will do their job.”

Boys are Pups, Men are WolvesWhere stories live. Discover now