Chapter 6

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“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” Sunshine was on her knees, bowed down before my feet.

I didn’t know whether to laugh or to stop her from looking even more like a fool. I decided on the second choice. But she wouldn’t stop apologizing.

“I’m so stupid. Stupid. Stupid.” Each time she said the word, she banged her head against the floor.

“Sunshine, it’s fine.” I said in a soothing voice.

“No it’s not!” she lifted her head and shouted while glaring at me. “You and my brother were finally getting down to business, and I just had to interrupt you two!”

I blushed from the memory. Before Dominic’s lips could actually reach mine on the bathroom floor, Sunshine had barged in to find out if I was okay. She saw us on the ground, with me naked and straddling Dominic. She completely froze in shock.

Dominic, on the other hand, reacted very quickly. He stood us both up and wrapped a towel around me before swearing under his breath and then he left. His face was twisted in outrage and he looked furious. Dominic didn’t give me one more glance before he exited out the room, making me feel very, very confused.

I covered my face and groaned from the memory once again. What were we doing?!

Sunshine quickly shot me a look. “It was that good, wasn’t it?” With another blush creeping into my cheeks, that was all she needed to know her answer.

But how did Dominic and I end up in that situation?! Weren’t we having a simple conversation? Oh right. He provoked me. And I stupidly reacted. I was obviously the dumber of the two of us. How could I still act like I was a kid in front of him?

The situation we were in though, was far from childish.

Sunshine went back to banging her head on the floor as she continued to apologize. Really, I don’t know whether to be thankful that she interrupted me and Dominic…or disappointed. But everything doesn’t make any sense. How could he suddenly change his behavior towards me? What happened for him to do so?

“How funny.” Someone said from the doorway and Sunny and I turned to see who it was. She was leaning against the door frame with an amused face.

Before I could say anything, Sunshine stood up and wailed “Willow!” and she stomped over to her and threw her arms into a hug. Willow just accepted with coolness like she was used to the sudden bursts from Sunshine already, though I swear they just met a few days ago for the first time.

“So mind telling me what happened?” she asked as she lightly pushed Sunshine back in to the room and shut the door.

“Wait a minute.” Sunshine said with a sudden mood swing. She looked at Willow with confusion. “Why aren’t you with Trey?”

“I heard an emergency came up. Someone was found near death on the Hunting grounds.” She said with a grim voice. “Looks like someone’s trying to ruin your mate Hunting.”

“Helen was there actually.” Sunny mentioned. “But no worries, she just got a little bloody. Which brings me to my next point!”

Sunshine explained to Willow what she saw when she entered my room. How the bathroom door was open, how I was naked, how I was straddling Dominic, how he was holding my thighs apart, how we had almost kissed. The whole time, I was blushing like a maniac, but Willow just listened with an almost bored looking face.

At the end of the explanation, Willow turned to me. “Congratulations.”

That just made me blush more. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Boys are Pups, Men are WolvesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora