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First I want to say that all of the included in this article are my beliefs. I know some people do not support all sexualities, please leave those thoughts to yourself. Everyone is different and this is not a place for hate.

Dear readers,

Today one of my friends came up to me and was talking about how she was sitting with "Queen Bee" She said it was going great until "Queen Bee" decided to act funny. She took pictures of a fellow classmate of ours and made fun of her while texting it to her. I saw her run from the cafeteria in tears. This inspired me to talk about today's topic:


All of you readers out there don't realize how much your words can affect someone. It takes just as much energy to boost someone versus putting them down. Choose to compliment them, not point out their flaws. It will help the entire world.

When you think of the saying "yolo," what do you think? Do something stupid and live life. I think do something great and make a change in the world.

If everyone accepted each other, can you imagine how much better the world would be? How much more inspiring and positive it would be? These days, stats show a lot of teenagers are depressed. I feel like this is because of the circumstances within our schools. Choose to make a change and not put someone down.

I know how easy it is to judge. You are walking down the street and see a homeless guy, and the first thing you think is that he looks gross, or worse: you laugh and pick on him. But what if there is more to the story? Like his parents kicked him out for being gay? Or he only has enough money to feed his kids that live with his mother? This changes things... right?

Another point that I want to touch on: THE LGBT+ COMMUNITY

They're people just like you. I understand that god doesn't want a man to lie with another man, however, this world is changing. My parents are divorced which is also against the Bible. This world must adapt to the changes. circumstances were different when the Bible was published.

Just like African Americans were once discriminated as were women, that has changed. Women do not serve men anymore, and African Americans have equal rights to the white race.

Back to the main point: DO NOT JUDGE

You do not know what this person has been through, or is going through. What if that one comment sends them over the edge and they commit suicide? This also changes things right?



Jane Doe here guys <3 I LOVE YOU ALL. GENDER, WEIGHT, RACE, AND SEXUALITY DON'T MATTER. Even Taylor Swift has got it right: haters gonna hate.


Until next time love,

Jane Doe AKA resjuly

Our Generation || Issue #2 || March 2015Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora