"Aight...my face just hurts like hell." He grumbled as he just stared at the TV screen.

"I'm sorry babe... You hungry?" I asked him as I sat beside him on the bed, hands still running through his curly dreads.

I wonder how he got them curly.. I've only seen straight dreads.... hmm.. Oh well.

"Yea.. I could eat something..." He mumbled sleepily, leaving his head back into my hands more and closing his eyes.

"You tired?" I asked him, confusion in my voice since he was just pissed and wide awake a second ago.

"Yeah....when people play I'm my dreads I get sleepy.." He mumbled, eyes still closed, while getting even more comfortable.

"Oh, my bad. But what you wanna eat?" I asked, taking my fingers out his hair, only to laugh when he groaned in frustration.

"Ion really care....whatever's closest." He said as he sat up slowly in the bed.

"Aight, I'll be back, babe." I said before pecking his forehead and lips and walking out the room to find something for us to eat.

~Skip to the Next Day~


"Babe! Ty! Kay! Brig! Jaz! Tay! Food ready niggas!" I yelled from the kitchen as I finished plating all the food in just made. I made omelets, bacon, sausage, cinnamon rolls, oatmeal, and biscuits for everybody since they begged me to. These niggas begged me to make breakfast... FOR LUNCH! Yup, that's right, it's lunch time and these niggas wanted breakfast! They better be lucky they asked for breakfast because I can't cook lunch food for nothin'! I can cook some bomb ass breakfast food, but don't ask for no dinner or lunch because that ain't happenin'.

"Thanks babe." Dré said as he walked into the kitchen and gave me a kiss on the cheek and hugging me from behind.

"What I tell you about callin' me dat, but you welcome." I said, playfully giving him the side-eye over my shoulder, only to smile after when he looked at me with the puppy dog face.

"Awww! Look at the two love birds! But thanks boo." Jazz said as her, Kay, Brigg, Tay, and Ty walked into the kitchen behind her. My mom came home this morning and got the kids and went to my grandma's house so us "teenagers" can have some time together without worrying about little kids.

"Oh hush, you betta be lucky I decided to cook." I said as I grabbed my plate and walked into the living room to watch TV after Dré removed his arms from around me.

"Bab-Zay, my mom said I had to be back home sometime soon when I took the kids home this morning because she had to talk to me about something. So, after I eat, ima go ahead and head back home." Dré said as he walked into the room, sitting beside me on the couch.

"Okay." I said sadly.

What? I can't help it that I've gotten used to him being around all the time.

"Aww, don't be sad. We can do something tonight if you want. I been thinking... and I wanted to know if you wanted to go on another date with me? Almost like a redo of our first date... if you could call it that." He asked, muttering the ending to the point where I almost didn't hear him.

"Of course! What time?" I asked him excitedly.

"Ummm, around 7. Dress between causal, but not too causal... if that makes sense." He said, laughing at himself.

"Aight. Is it good?" I asked him when he started moaning and groaning all loud when he tasted the oatmeal.

"Hells yea!!" He yelled, eyes buggin' out his head, making me bust out laughing.

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