Chapter 4

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~Alyssa's POV~

It was rather odd how quickly I had adapted to living with the Brause family. It was almost as if I was one of them from the beginning. Mr. Brause taught me how to hunt alongside Sasha, though she was obviously better at it. When it wasn't hunting me and Sasha were inseparable. Many of the other village folks claimed we were twins. I was sitting feet dangling down into the fresh spring waiting on Sasha to get back from swiping some of the steamed potatoes Mr. Brause had made along with some meat. You could say I was look out. I noticed the man in question heading back our way, in which I altered Sasha with our animal call of the day. You could just barely see her as she darted out the door and behind a bundle of bushes. As he passed he looked at me cautiously knowing something was up.
"Alyssa where is your sister?" He asked simplifying our relationships.
"What do you mean, she went to go wash up for dinner?" I had said in the thick country accent I picked up from some of the people around here.
Of course he was skeptical, seeing through my lies. He just sighed and walked towards the house. Once he was inside, Sasha ran towards me and pulled me along to our secret hideout. In all it was just a tree that was pretty easy to climb the we put a small, halfway decent floor like structure on for us to sit up high and eat. I watched through the trees, wall rose, of course though the wall was much bigger than the trees. How I wished to be able to sit up there. Sasha smacked me realizing what I was thinking.
"We're hunters not fighters, Aly."
"I know but the world must be so beautiful from up there, if only I could just take a peek."
Sasha dug into more of the food. I squeezed the necklace hanging around my neck, at this point my memory of whoever he was is fading and new memories seemed to replace the old, now very fuzzy, ones. One of these memories is my mother and father abandoning me and a boy, whom I scarcely remember his features, around the age of ten providing me with food, but it would have seemed he disappeared too. He's the one who I would have guessed gave me this necklace. I smiled and dug into the food before Sasha ate it all. It was peaceful sitting up here in my opinion. That's was until the sun started to set, and me and Sasha had to head home. Of course we were scolded for taking food, but it ended with hugs. I decided to go to my shared bedroom, suddenly feeling dizzy. I collapsed onto my bed. It was like a feeling of loss, yet everything seemed to hurt. I took the necklace hanging around my neck off planning on getting some sleep. But just as the feelings had came the left when I pulled the necklace off and placed it on my dresser. I didn't think much of it at the time. Sasha soon came upstairs and crawled her way into bed next to me even though she had her own bed. I hugged her as she curled up to me.
"Night sis." Sasha had said yawning.
"Nighty, night."

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