You gathered yourself and sat up, rubbing your eyes "dunno...I'd say like...3 pm."

Sabito sat up beside you and shook his head "7:30."


You gasped, clasping your hands over your mouth

" god." You muttered into your hand

Sabito sensed your distress and leaped off of the bed in an instant, fumbling to put on a jacket

"Sabito—what're you doing?!" You got up with him

"I'm driving you home." He replied flatly, turning to face you

"WHAT?? Sabito, NO. I should just stay here; we could crash, and both die. I don't even wanna go home and face my dad's wrath..." you explained frantically as he dug in his jacket pockets

Sabito pulled a car key out of his pocket and raised it up in the air, dangling it in front of you "I know how to drive. And besides, you have to go home. There's no way around this"

You swiped for his keys and he swung them out of the way, forcing you to look him in the eye

"I...I'll just call my parents to pick me up!" You said hastily

You shoved your phone in his face and pressed the on button "see!"

He raised an eyebrow in confusion

"I think your phone's dead dude." Sabito stifled a laugh, sticking the car keys back in his pocket

You turned your phone around, and sure enough, the screen was black

He reaches out to offer you his hand, and you look up from your phone

"I won't hurt you. I'll drive slow." He smiled softly

You take his hand, following him to the door

"Promise?" You asked, lowering your voice to a whisper

He nodded "I swear on my life."

When you got in the car, you stared down at your bare legs, clenching your fists anxiously in your lap

Sabito turned the key and started the car, pulling it into reverse and turning on the windshield wiper

"Be careful Sabito..." you murmured, feeling the vehicle moving

"Relax, dork. I'm not even on the road yet" Sabito joked, placing his hand on your seat to look over his shoulder as he backed up

You blushed, sneaking a glance at him as he did

"...what're you staring at?" He huffed, meeting your gaze for a second before aligning the car into the road

"Uhm—nothing. Your bangs are getting long. You should cut them." You deflected, looking away

"You don't like em?" He asked, one hand on the steering wheel

"NO! I mean, yes! Wait...nevermind"

"Pfft" he smiled slightly before focusing his attention ahead again

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