Chapter 25: Rest in Peace

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The world immediately lost its luster. It was black and white, all the color instantly vanished. Everything was spinning around her. Lyssa watched as McKinley tossed Bex away as if she was trash.

Inside her, something snapped.

She felt the clock counting down, the amount of time she had until Bex was dead. Nothing else mattered but that. In a flash, Lyssa yanked the stake out of Lacy and rammed it into McKinley's chest. She wasn't the only one as Joan had finally struggled to her feet and yanked the stake from her shoulder, shoving it into McKinley's back. He coughed up blood and fell to his knees.

Lacy cried out in agony at the sight of it. Joan grabbed her own silver knife and quickly slit his throat open. Lyssa grabbed hold of his hair and yanked. His neck bones cracked and popped.

"No! Don't kill him!" Lacy cried.

Lyssa ignored her and pulled harder.

Joan watched in horror. She could see the near lifeless look on Lyssa's face. The lack of care for what she was about to do. The enjoyment of getting revenge lighting up her red eyes. Joan was sure that standing in front of her was a pure monster.

McKinley sputtered and tried to claw at Lyssa's hands. She pulled even harder, more flesh on his neck ripping open, more rotten blood spewing out.

Lacy tackled Lyssa to the floor.

"I won't let you kill him," Lacy cried.

"He hurt Rebecca; he has to pay!" Lyssa spat.

Joan ran over to Bex who lay lifeless on the floor. She had hit her head hard and was out cold. Blood began to pool around her. Joan herself was losing a lot of blood and felt light-headed, her vision going in and out of focus as she struggled to remain conscious. She picked Bex up and dragged her away from the battle.

Joan's right arm was out for commission, so she struggled in vain to pull Bex away. She knew she was going to pass out at any second so she did the only thing she could. She pulled out her phone and dialed 911.

A loud smacking sound echoed around them as Lyssa and Lacy engaged in battle. It was like Lyssa had found new strength, no longer was she helpless, now she was in survival mode. Only one thing mattered, getting Lacy out of the way so she could help Bex.

Lacy flew back and landed in the road in front of the school. Lyssa was in front of her in a flash. She launched her fist down at Lacy so hard that cement beneath the blond cracked.

"Stop it! You're killing me!" Lacy cried.

Lyssa paused her assault. It was true Lacy was way beyond fighting capacity now. With a hole in her chest and all her blood nearly drained all that was left was to decapitate her and she would be dead.

"You leave this place, and never come back!" Lyssa shouted in her face.

"Okay," Lacy cried.

Lyssa ran back over to Bex.

Joan was out cold, too much blood loss, her phone call with the police was still going. Lyssa examined the situation and heard sirens in the distance. She looked over to McKinley and Lacy who were not moving anytime soon.

She took a breath and made her decision; she was going to wait for the police. In less than two minutes ambulances rolled up. They took in Bex first, then Joan. A third ambulance came for McKinley and Lacy. Lyssa rode in the ambulance with Bex.

The officer eyed Lyssa.

"You know her? Can you tell me her name?" he asked.

"It's Rebecca, Rebecca Cross. She's human," She said.

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