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Shinjiro returned home and eventually reunited with Azazel in his bedroom on the second floor.

"Well, how did it go?" Azazel asked, clearly Shinjiro's excitement, or lack of, was a signifier that this didn't go according to plan, but Azazel knew that.

"It didn't go as I planned it would, something came up, but I still put the test in place." Shinjiro replied as he began to remove his boring costume.

"Oh, that's still a success then, isn't it?"

"Not quite, one of the people I planned for is already dead. I have a question for you though, how does it happen?"

"What? How do they die?"

"Yeah. Do I have control over that once they receive the feather or no?"

"No. Their death is a death that is seen as the most sinful death, suicide."

"This only furthers my suspicion then... This can't be good, can it? I can't have another person out there like me. Soon, he'll likely want to reach for the top of the pyramid and the only way of doing so is either through submission or death."

"Woah, woah, woah, Shinjiro, I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself here, why don't we take this one step at a time, huh? Now, tell me, what happened?"

"Kazuo, one of the kids that I planned on giving the feather to, committed suicide last night."

"So? Suicide rates are high in Japan, aren't they?"

"Yeah, but Kazuo wasn't the type to commit suicide, he's the type who thinks the world revolves around him."

"Ah, so you think there is another Fallen Angel around here then, huh? Well, who cares, right? It's not like there aren't more in the world. Just focus on what your plans were before finding this out."

Shinjiro softly sighed in relief before sitting on his bed.

"Fine, I guess you're right. I shouldn't worry about it." Shinjiro calmly replied to Azazel, although his words weren't quite a well representation of his thoughts beneath the surface. 

He continued to think on countless possibilities and scenarios in case this second Fallen Angel were to become a threat in the near future. How exactly can one with a Fallen Angel take down another with one as well? The only logical answer to that is through a much more human method rather than using this second life. 

Will Shinjiro have to get his hands dirty? Will he have to fight this person if and when they ever become a threat to him in the future? It's rather obvious that Shinjiro isn't a fighter, so he'll have to think of a method beyond immediate violence.

"So? What is the plan when your results come through?" Azazel asked.

"I'll rid the world of useless people. I can do it until the world finally realizes that things aren't right if we continue to sit in the same spot. We need to move forward, we need to evolve to a better species. A species who defines their potential and continues to strive for the future." Shinjiro replied with confidence and commitment to his plan, as if he was already certain on the results of his test not even a full hour after the exam.

"Ha! I love it! Just how will you get these people to accept the feathers, and you have to remember that you only get 6 opportunities a day to do it."

"I've thought about many ways to do it, but now, I'll focus on easier opportunities. I can mail out 6 feathers a day to people I deem unworthy of living in this new society I have in mind. Of course it'll include criminals, but not just them, it'll include anyone who acts universally immoral or anyone who finds success in other peoples pain. I'll have to find addresses and names of course, but that can be easily done with the right research."

"I'm ready for this new world, Shinjiro, but do you think that everyone else would be as accepting of it as I am?"

"Yes, who wouldn't be? It's a better future for the next generation of people and the generation after that. The future of this society won't remember the sacrifices made from the building of it, like the Egyptians weren't reminded of the countless bodies sacrificed to build the pyramids."

"My, this sounds interesting, Shinjiro, I truly can't wait for what the future holds for us..."

"Shinjiro!" a sudden shout came from the first floor.

"Yes mother?!" Shinjiro replied.

"I brought dinner!"

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