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[imhaa to your muse]

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"Hello, child."

"I want to be your one true friend."

"The world has turned its back on you."

"You can trust me."

"I have a /special/ place you can go."

"I'm going to devour your little bones!~"

"They didn't like me because I was different."

"They won't ever be able to identify you!"

"I came from your TV. I want to play a game with you!"

"Don't be scared..."

"Come on, smile! I'm your new friend!"

"Get over here you little BITCH!!!"

"My teeth are perfect for biting into your succulent flesh."

"That broken bone is nothing compared to what else I have planned!"

"You'll be fine!"


"Give me your hand."

"You can't run!"


"You're too slow!"

"Let's play!"

"I'm down here!"

"Let's play hide and seek!"

"Here I come!"

"I... am /God/!"

"Your soul will belong to me."

"If you lose... Your soul will belong to ME!"

"My ascension from this ancient prison is drawing near."

"How long do you think this will hold me!"

"You are WEAK!!"

"So pathetic..."

"The humans can easily be manipulated."

"1... 2.... 3... 4...."

"The FUN we will have!"

"They didn't like me because I was different."

"Come here!"

"How are you enjoying the asylum?~"

"They'll never believe you!"

"Work for me and I'll think about it."


"I'm gonna find you, Y/N!"

"It's only a matter of time."

"I know how it's all going to end."

"You'll scream and cry and beg... they always beg!"

"I'm your friend to the end!"

"Nobody ever leaves this place."

"Kill them... Kill them! KILL THEM!"

"You know you want to do it."

"Why are you here?"

"How'd you get here??"


"That was cute."

"I can smell your delicious organs."

"Wanna know why this place is abandoned?"


"Many have tried and failed to defeat me~"

"I've never done this before... First time for everything!"

"I'm not a stranger!"

"Hiya, buddy ol' pal!!"

"You thought you could hide from me?"

"I'll break every bone in your body!"

"So... much... blood!!"

"I can smell youuu!~"

"I've been stalking you for quite a while."

"See that gun?"

"I'm going to rip you into pieces!"

𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now