|| vii ||

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when i woke up i was surprised to see that not much had changed from the night before. plastic cups were strewn across the living room floor, hungover misfits were laying everywhere, and someones phone was going off. i saw my phone on the floor so i reached over to grab it, accidentally falling off the couch schlatt and i had fallen asleep on. "y/n is that you?" he asked. god his morning voice is hot, i thought, and his slightly messed up hair holy shit. i admired his features for a little until he got me to space back in. "come back it's cold without you," he whined.

"gimme a sec i wanna check twitter." i replied while unlocking my phone.

"you're on that app all the time jesus christ it's like you're addicted or something."

"just something to pass the time i guess." i scrolled through my tl for a little, it was mostly tweets from other streamers, and some random shit from my family. after that i checked what was trending. also boring shit, but there was one that caught my eye. schlatt was trending, which wasn't out of the ordinary, but for some reason my name was there too. "hey schlatt do you know why we're trending?" i asked. 

"i don't know, maybe it's some weird stan shit." he replied. "click on it let's see." i did, and the first thing that popped was a tweet with 2 photos.

@  user70

holy shit y/n seen kissing jschlatt at twitchcon. are they dating??!??!


@ user38

ew i hope not they aren't good enough for him

@ user74

i bet shes just using them for views, fucking typical

@ user32

fuck off even if they were its their business

i turned to schlatt and tried to say something, but nothing came out of my mouth. i wanted to cry but nothing came out. i sat back on the couch and buried my head into his chest. "i'm sorry, i'll tell them to lay off." he said, "we can stay home today, if that's what you want." i simply nodded my head, and he picked me up and brought me to someones room. he carefully placed me in the bed, and put a blanket over me. "i'll grab you some food, it's never good to be sad on an empty stomach. 

schlatts pov:

i walked to the kitchen to see what the misfits had, which was nothing. but that wasn't surprising. i saw charlie sprawled out on some plastic lawn chair in the backyard, so i decided to wake him up. he would know what y/n would want to eat. i tapped his shoulder a few times, which proved unsuccessful, so i shook him until he woke up. "dude, what's y/n's favorite food?" i asked.

"chinese food, reminds her of her grandparents. why?" he replied. 

"check twitter, some assholes took photos of us yesterday and now the whole worlds convinced we're together."

"what the fuck, are they ok?"

"i think so, it's definitely taking a toll on them but they're pulling through." charlie didn't have anything to say after this, he just nodded and stared at the sky. "ok well i'm gonna get going now, they're in one of the rooms if you wanna check on them."

your pov:

when i woke up i was tired, even if i'd slept for a couple hours. i got up and walked to the living room, where i was immediately bombarded with hugs from my friends. "we saw what happened on twitter and condemned everyone who was acting like that." cooper said. "it must suck having to go through that."

"schlatt bought some food if you're hungry, he also told me to tell you that he'll be back in a little cause he has some errands to run or something." swagger added.

"i love you guys," i replied. "so much."

"we love you too," they said in unison. 

"did you guys go to twitchcon today?"

"nah, most of us were hungover and we were worried about you do we just skipped it." ted said.

"you didn't have any panels or anything? i would feel terrible if i made you guys miss that."

"we didn't miss anything don't worry, i know you get stressed about that shit." we talked for a little bit, i ate too, but i was really hoping that schlatt would get back soon.

"do you have any idea when schlatts gonna come back?" i asked.

"he didn't say, try calling him or something." swagger replied. i opened my phone and opted for texting instead.

y/n: hey r u coming back soon ?


y/n: hello? 


y/n: r u ignoring me or something?

"fuck me, he's leaving me on read" i mumbled. "can we go back to the house? i've been wearing these clothes all day."

"sure," ted said. "we were planning on going soon anyways." the lunch club guys and i said our goodbyes and left the house. i was a little worried about schlatt, but he was an adult. he could handle himself. 

schlatts pov:

after everything went down on twitter, i was really overwhelmed. sure i'd dealt with my fair share of hate, but it hurt to see it affect someone i care about. i decided to go visit one of my old friends after getting y/n some food. we were close in high school, but he moved out to cali for school. uc san diego. i never understood why he chose here. his grades were good enough for stanford, or any other ivy league. he was doing IT or something now. some technical computer shit. apparently he was married too. 

i took an uber from the misfits house to his apartment, it wasn't anything super special, but it had a nice view of the city. i entered the lobby where the doorman asked me who i was visiting. i said his name and the doorman told me to wait for him to come downstairs. it wasn't soon before i heard the "schlatt!" that i'd been missing for the past few years. 

"tyler! holy shit man it's been forever!" i said as he lead me to the elevators.

"you were in 11th last i saw you, right?"

"yeah, man you have no idea how much i missed you."

"dude i missed you too."

"even though it's fucking amazing to see you after forever, i do need your help with something."

"shit last time you came to me for advice was when you wanted to ask kiara to junior prom."

"i mean it isn't as childish as prom this time, but it is about my love life. i like someone, and they're amazing, but i have no fucking idea how to act on my feelings."

"well you're charming, just ask them out. plain and simple."

"yeah there's that, but i wanna do something to make them know they're special to me."

"then do something big, wow her."

"damn thats...actually good advice."

"hell yeah it is, now come in." he said, gesturing towards his apartment. "lea really wants to meet you." i sat down and we chatted for a little, lea was very welcoming, and i found out they were expecting soon. i also found out they were planning on coming back to the east coast. something about wanting to be closer to home. but i'm pretty sure it was cause they knew the east was better. no idea where yet, but they were thinking about virginia. 

a/n: sorry if this chapter isn't great, i'm kinda throwing myself into writing cause spring break and subconscious self destructive tendencies (*cough cough* not talking to any of my friends for days on end). but i hope you guys like it. also we're almost at 300 reads so yay!

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