|| iv ||

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september 26th, san diego

i ran into the first room i could find and immediately sank to my knees, expecting to hear ted asking what happened. i'd been sitting there for what felt like forever when i heard traves say, "...do you want a jelly bean?".

"oh shit traves i'm really sorry i ran in here thinking i would find ted" i quickly said.

"you're like bright red, is something going on?" he asked. "do you have a crush? is it someone i know? are they a streamer?"

"maybe" i replied while stretching out the m. "i'll tell you if you promise to keep it a secret"

"what about cooper? can i tell him?" he questioned. i reluctantly said yes. 

"it's schlatt" i whispered into his ear. this turned him into a kid on a sugar high, lot's of 'really?' s, 'that's so cool' s and 'you should ask him out' s. "i have to get back now cause i don't want to worry him, but we can talk later" i said. he pulled me into a hug before eventually letting me go. i walked back into my room and sat next to schlatt. "sorry for kinda rushing out," i mumbled.

"it's fine, you don't have to apologize for anything" he responded, not quite whispering but not talking at full volume either. i put my head on his shoulder and we stayed there for a bit, just sitting in comfortable silence. it wasn't awkward or anything, it was calming and peaceful. he eventually broke the silence asking if i wanted to stream with him. "i'd love to" i responded, "but can we sit like this for another 10 minutes? i like it". 

"i like it too" he whispered while nodding. 

(small time skip, i didn't really know how to write a segue for this part)

"ok chat i have a special guest but i'm gonna make you guys guess before i reveal them" schlatt said with a devilish grin on his face. chat was spamming lunch club members, misfits members, and some other streamers like minx or technoblade. after leading them on for a few minutes, i decided to speak.

"hey guys, i bet you didn't expect to see me" i joked

user76: holy shit y/n and jschlatt together

user49: POG

"do you wanna play minecraft or something else" schlatt asked. 

"something else" i hummed "maybe smash?"

"sure, lemme just grab my switch" he got up and quickly grabbed it. i chose kirby and he chose zero suit samus. we played and talked for a while, maybe 4 hours, and i was getting hungry. 

"hey can we order some food?" i asked.

"sure, what do you want?"

"i'm really fine with anything, you can choose"


"yeah that sounds good, do you wanna doordash or end the stream?"

"let's end the stream" schlatt said, he was very matter of fact-ly about it. "my apologies, but it's late and the lady needs to eat. i'll be at twitchcon tomorrow so be sure to come say hi." I clicked the end stream button, and got up to stretch my legs. i went to my room so i could make myself look semi presentable, and grab a pair of shoes. i was lacing up my converse when something hit my head. it was one of schlatt's hoodies. "it's cold outside, you should put it on." 

"thanks," i replied, and pulled it over my head. it smelled like his cologne. we got out the front door without too many questions from the others. schlatt was right, it was a little chilly. the walk was short but i liked it. he held hands for a little, if you asked him he would probably say it was cause he didn't want my fingers to freeze off. the chipotle was quiet, other than us there were only a couple people there. we sat in there for a while, just talking about anything and everything. i learned that he had an older brother, who turns out was a ladies man while he was in high school. he learned that lucas and i had known each other for forever, and that we were practically family. he told me about harvard, and how he would code instead of paying attention in class. i told him about how i met charlie and ted, and how they were like my family too. a wave of calm washed over him when i said that, like there was something that was bothering him and hearing those words dissipated his anxiety. after the better part of 45 minutes, we decided to go back. and we held hands the entire way home. 

a/n: aaaaa this chapter is so short so i'm sorry about that, i just felt like that seemed like a natural stopping point. the next chapter will be twitchcon stuff don't worry, but i hope you guys liked the chapter. 

on another note, did any of you watch quackity's lore stream. shit was crazy. 

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