Why Me Always?

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Recap: You and Ajey got divorced.

After that, you wanted to go back to your parents. So you headed back home.

*Ting Tong*

Your Mom opened the door.

Your Mom: Alisha.. Babe.. How are you? [Hugs you]

Alisha: Fine Mom. How are you?

Your Mom: I'm good too. You didn't told me that you're coming. [Smiles]

Alisha: Why? I can't come to my own house without informing?

Your Mom: No baby. It's yours. You can come anytime you want. But if you'd have told me then I would've made your fav dish. [Chuckles] 

Alisha: I don't wanna eat anything now. [Sighs] 

Your Mom: Wha.. What happened, hon? Anything serious? 

Alisha: Mom.. I divorced Ajey. [looks Away] 

Your Mom: Wha.. What? Are you mad? Bu.. But why? Everything was good then why? [Shocked] 

Alisha: I'm sorry Mom.. But I had to. I just felt like I need to leave him now. It was hard but I had to. I broke his heart. [Sighs] 

Your Mom: Alisha.. You did really wrong. You guys think marriage is a joke. [Furiously] 

Alisha: C'mon Mom.. The reason I married him was just you and dad. You guys forced me to. Even though you knew everything that I never wanted to get married. But still you put me into this. I don't wanna be a burden on him now. 

Your Mom: I'm happy to see your concern about Ajey but the way you left your relationship behind, wasn't right. 

Alisha: Mommy.. This was the only way left. Some day I had to do this. So why not today? 

Your Mom: Okay.. So now what do you wanna do? 

Alisha: I don't know.. If you guys don't want me to stay with you, then it's alright. I'll move out. But tomorrow. I'm tired today. 

Your Mom: Do you want me to slap you tight? I'm sorry baby but you're staying with us. Don't think of yourself as a burden on us now, Okay? It's your house. 

Alisha: I was just teasing you Mom. I know you and Dad love me. [Smiles] 

Your Mom: Yes we do. [Smiles] 

Alisha: By the way, where's Dad?

Your Mom: He's out on his business trip for a few weeks. 

Alisha: Oh.. When will he get back? 

Your Mom: Maybe coming month. 

Alisha: Okay.. Don't tell him anything now. He'll be worried.

Your Mom: As you say.

You and your Mom had a few chats further.

In the evening, you were sitting near the window, just wondering about all the incident that happened. You were somewhat disappointed on yourself for everything.

[Your POV: The way I left my relationship behind, wasn't right for sure

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[Your POV: The way I left my relationship behind, wasn't right for sure. Mom is right. I shouldn't have done that. But why put him trouble because of me? If I don't wanna stay with him then why I should? Now he hates me. I don't think he'll ever forgive me for what I did.]

You took out your phone and scrolled over your WhatsApp. You noticed that Ajey had blocked you there. Then you opened your Instagram. He unfollowed you from there. Then you tried calling him. Your number was blocked by him too.

[Your POV: This is jus... Ugh.. I hate myself. He blocked me from everywhere. I really deserve this for what I did. Did I really have to do this? He thought that I could be trusted. But I broke everything.]

On Ajey's side, he was hurt too.

[Ajey's POV: Why did she do this to me? What have I done wrong? I bet she likes someone else. She might have some affair or something. If not, then what else will be the reason to leave me like this? I hate her. I just hate her. I'll never ever forgive her. She deserves it.]

[Your POV: I'm still regretting the day when I said that I wanna get married.]


Your Mom: Alisha.. Aren't you ready yet? C'mon we're gonna be late for the wedding.

Alisha: Mom.. I'm ready.. I just can't select my bangles.

Your Mom: C'mon wear any one of these. Anything will look good on you.

Alisha: Mom.. Just let me live my life freely. I know I'm never gonna get married. Just let me fulfill my wish like this.

Your Mom: Okay... So you wanna get married.. Mhmm.. [Raises One Eyebrow]

Alisha: Don't give me such a scaring stare. [Laughs]

Your Mom: I'll get you married next year when you turn 23.

Alisha: No.. Let it be like it is. [Sighs]

Your Mom: Hey.. Babe.. Don't be sad. We'll figure this out. Okay?

Alisha: Hmm.. [Nods in agreement]


You looked out of the window while wiping tears from your cheek. You were reminded of that moment. Deep down, the thought of hurting Ajey was killing you every second.

Suddenly, your phone rang. It was an unknown number. You were not in the mood so you weren't picking it up. But you got 7 missed calls within 2 to 3 minutes. So when it again rang, you picked it up.

Alisha: Hello?

No reply or sound was on the other side.

Alisha: Hello? Who's this?

Ajey: I fuckin' hate you Alisha. [Shouts]

Alisha: Ajey? [Shocked]

Ajey: Yeah.. Why? You were expecting someone else? [Furiously]

Alisha: Wha.. What happened?

Ajey: You know what, Fuck You!

Alisha: Ajey you're drunk again?

Ajey: Who cares?

Alisha: Oh My God.. Ajey.. You're jus.. Huh. Why do you do these stupid things? [Sighs]

Ajey: Stop showing off that you care about me. Okay? If you would've actually cared then you wouldn't have cheated on me.

Alisha: I haven't cheated on you.

Ajey: Fuck You! You're a liar. Cheater. Played with my feelings and left me hurting.

Alisha: Enough now! If you're hurting, it doesn't mean that I'm not. I'm equally hurt. Just like you do.

You hung up the call in anger and threw it away. You started crying hard.

[Your POV: Why me always?]

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