Note to self: Don't give another man a lap dance.

She dropped down against the couch and tried to hold in her tears, swallowing the lump in her throat and staring up at the ceiling.

"Willow?" George called, walking past the living room door and then back tracking when seeing her on the couch, "Ah! There you, details?"

"Nope" she sighed sadly.

"No you won't give me details or no there weren't any details to give?" He asked slowly, walking into the room with a curious look and dropping down next to her.

"No details to give Georgie" she sighed, " I may have just pushed him away"

"Him being...?"

"Remus!!" She huffed, dropping her head against his shoulder, "He didn't come to bed last night and I just tried talking to him and he is blank out ignoring me"

"Oh...well he looked fine to me" George stated with a shrug, "Chatting away in the kitchen"

"He's-he's what?"

"You need me to what!?" Tonks exclaimed, looking between Sirius and Remus with confused and slightly disgusted eyes.

"Oh just flirt with him for gods sake! It's not as if you haven't done it before" Sirius huffed, throwing his arm up to the wolf in exhaustion.

"Yeah that was when I had a thing for him...but that thing is no longer a's barely even a molecule!!" Tonks exclaimed again, looking at Remus' pleading look, hands pressed together in a beg.

"Look Nymohad-" Remus was halted by her stern look, "I meant Tonks...You won't be doing much of it...I will just be throwing a few compliments your way etc...and I just need you to bloody giggle or something"

"Oh yeah...because I am definitely the giggling type of girl" Tonks scoffed with an eye roll, folding her arms over her chest.

"Please Tonks!!"

"Jesus Christ Lupin! Just have an argument like a normal person!!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air.

"This is far past an argument!" Sirius pointed out.

"What the hell did she do?"

"She gave Sirius a lap dance" Remus sighed, running a hand over his face as the bright haired witches eyes flew open and then turned to her cousin who had an awkward and straight lipped smile, holding to fingers up in a peace sign.

"Oh for merlins sake" Tonks huffed in defeat, "Fine! But lay it on thick other wise It won't be believable"

"You angel!!" Remus exclaimed in gratitude, grabbing her by the sides of her face and kissing her head in excitement as she burst out laughing and gestured for them to sit down.

Willow remained chatting away to George for a while before their breakfast was announced by Mrs Weasley and George took her by the hand and led her into the kitchen as she wanted to just sit on the balcony and leave Remus to it.

She knew Remus was angry at her, which resulted in him ignoring her, so god knows what Sirius was like, everyone knew what he was like when angry.

"Morning everyone" George announced, nodding Willow to her usual seat between Sirius and Remus, which was now empty and instead it was just Sirius and then Remus on the other side facing opposite her.

She took her seat slowly and mustered up the courage to look at the two men.

Sirius was reading his paper casually, which did not phase Willow, but what did, what made her heart drop, her stomach lurch, her mind fuel with anger was Remus.

You can't choose both ( R.j.Lupin/ Sirius Black)Where stories live. Discover now