"Good pep talk there, Captain America", Lizziel said causing Sam to roll his eyes.


All of them had reached the tunnel and were about to enter it when Sam said, "All right, here's the plan. Stay close, keep walking. Anything moves, kill it".

"Let's do this", Dean said before looking at Lizziel and saying, "Stay close to either one of us".

They all entered the tunnel and walked as quietly as possible, until Floyd let out a scream because he tripped. They looked around and saw backpacks lying on the ground. They shared a glance before continuing forwards. They reached a turn and saw a vamp sitting and eating. Sam stepped forward and killed it by slicing its head off with his machete.

"Sam, I have a bad feeling", Lizziel whispered.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay", Sam said, squeezing her shoulder in comfort.

Suddenly, a vamp attacked Maggie causing everyone to run forward and kill it. Once Dean killed it, they all continued on their journey, until they reached a wider opening in the tunnel.

"Hey. We got a blocked passage over here. Need to move some rocks", Dean told Castiel and Gabriel, who walked up and started to remove the rocks.

They all then heard rustling and growling, causing them to be on guard. Suddenly, a vampire attacked Floyd, and Sam rushed to help him. More vampires started coming in causing Lizziel to pull out her angel blade and start fighting them.

"Ow", Lizziel said when a vampire bit her hand. She looked at her hand before killing the vampire, "This is one of my favourite tops, you sucker".

"Sammy!", Dean shouted causing Lizziel to look over at Sam. She let out a gasp when she saw that a vampire had bit him on his neck causing blood to ooze out.

Lizziel quickly rushed forward to help, but Gabriel pulled her back. The vampires began to drag away Sam's body causing Lizziel to fight against Gabriel's hold.

"Sam", Castiel called out before running to where the vampires dragged away Sam.

"Gabriel, let me go. I can help", Lizziel said with tears rolling down her face while trying to get free.

"There's too many of them Lizzie, you won't be able to take them", Gabriel told her, tightening his grip around her waist.

"Please, let me save him", Lizziel said before hiding her face in Gabriel's shoulder and letting out a sob, "He's my family, I can't let him die".

"I'm sorry", Gabriel whispered running his hand through her hair.

Castiel returned back and everyone looked at him with hopeful eyes. "He's gone", Castiel informed them in a grim voice.

"No!", Dean yelled trying to get past Castiel while Lizziel let out another heartbreaking sob. Dean couldn't believe that his little brother, the one he had looked after since they were kids was dead. Lizziel, on the other hand, blamed herself for not running after Sam and trying to save him. What good is it being stronger than regular demons and angels if she can't protect her own family?


After hours of walking in silence, Maggie was the first one to speak up once she noticed the difficulty Castiel was having in moving forwards, "We must be getting close to Dayton. On the outskirts at least".

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