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♡~ physical trainer ~ ♡


The night unfolded with idle chatter between you and Yachi, and with the multiple messages you had exchanged with your new neighbor. The chat was very awkward at first- the discomforting feeling of talking to someone for the first time usually was- but it quickly mellowed into something comforting.

Iwaizumi was an enigma, something you couldn't quite place your finger on. He would be overly sweet and cordial at times, and then the coin would flip and he would begin teasing you and acting mysteriously. Nonetheless, you still enjoyed bonding with your new neighbor, knowing you were going to be seeing a lot of him from now on.

Checking your phone for any new messages, you saw that you currently had none. Sighing, you placed the phone down on the counter and made your way towards Yachi who was packing her small duffel bag.

"I wish you didn't have to go,"  you pouted, clinging onto Yachi's arm as she giggled.

"We can do this again next week!" She cheered you up as she patted your head. "Maybe you can come to my place this time."

You eagerly nodded at the thought, knowing how lavish Yachi's apartment was compared to yours. Helping the girl with her stuff, you handed her the last of her items.

Grabbing your keys, you both exited the apartment. Before you had time to lock the front door, you saw Kinu's frame lingering on the outside of her own place.

"Ah, thank god, Y/n!" Kinu called out to you once she saw you. Shifting her gaze to Yachi, she dramatically placed her index finger on her chin, pondering about the girl. "Hisoka?" 

You bit back a laugh at the name, seeing how flustered Yachi got from the woman getting it wrong. "Hitoka," you corrected as a small laugh erupted from your throat.

"Oh, my apologies," Kinu placed her small hand on Yachi's shoulder, the latter shaking her head in forgiveness. 

Fighting the urge to smile at Yachi's awkward nature, you hastily brought the attention back to Kinu- something that your best friend was thankful for. "What are you doing out here?" You questioned the woman's earlier actions, as she desperately seemed to search for something.

"Ah! Yes, I almost forgot." Moving aside to showcase her apartment door, Kinu studied the floor in front of her door, which was oddly littered with her belongings. "I dropped my bag and I can't seem to find my keys."

"Oh, no!" Yachi yelped, quickly kneeling to order her items together. You did the same, studying the items on the ground as you assembled them to see if the key laid somewhere in them. After a couple of minutes had passed, and the key was nowhere in sight, Yachi shook her head. "It's not here."

You hummed, pondering where it could be. "You had it with you when you came up here?"

Kinu nodded. "I was about to unlock my door but I dropped my purse when I heard a loud noise coming from the stairs." She pointed at the staircase, muttering something else under her breath- incoherent, but you assumed she was cursing whoever had scared her.

"Maybe you can ask down in the lobby for a spare key?" Yachi advised, racking her brain for other ideas on how to help. 

Letting the two of them talk about the possibilities Kinu had, you continued searching on the ground in front of your apartment, just in case it had littered over to the side.

Sighing, you were about to give up until you saw a shimmer on the corner of your eye. Peering your gaze at the flash, you saw a pair of keys in front of the apartment next to yours. "Ah!" Scurrying along the path, you proudly held up the keys with the small pink penguin- knowing they were Kinu's. Before you could make your way to the women with your discovery, you heard the apartment door in front of you open, your heart fastening at the sound.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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